8th Annual “Georgia Rides to the Capitol” Next Tuesday
Decatur Metro | March 20, 2013Decatur City Commissioner and Bicycle South proprietor, Fred Boykin sends along this announcement…
The eighth annual Georgia Rides To The Capitol bicycle event is Tuesday, March 26th. Join with over 1,000 cyclists as we ride to the state capitol in support of better bicycling facilities in Georgia. Last year’s ride was the impetus for Ga DOT to adopt a Complete Streets policy – creating roadways suitable for all users including drivers, cyclists and walkers. The Decatur ride, led by Decatur Commissioner Fred Boykin, leaves from the E. Lake MARTA station at 10:45 am. Over 40 area mayors and elected officials are scheduled to join us. Lt. Governor Casey Cagle will address the crowd from the capitol steps. Event is open to riders of all abilities including kids! Through the efforts of Decatur’s Safe Routes To School program, this event is an excused absence from school (cyclists get back to Decatur around 1:30 pm). For more details and to pre-register (get a free commemorative reflective leg band if you do!), visit the event web site: www.GeorgiaRidesToTheCapitol.