Everybody’s Pizza in Emory Village Closing After 41 Years
Decatur Metro | March 7, 2013Oh wow. John Kessler posted this press release from Everybody’s owner Andy Kurlansky…
After 41 great years in Emory Village, we are retiring from the restaurant business.
We are proud to have served some 3 million pizzas to multiple generations of Atlantans since 1971.
Here’s to all who had their first dates at Everybody’s, met their spouse at Everybody’s, or celebrated other of life’s joyous events with us.
Thanks to all in Atlanta who have been loyal fans of our pizza, and who have been guests in our “home.”
But most of all, we thank all of the wonderful folks who have worked with us throughout these 41 years, for they have been the true heart and soul of the place.
Without their dedication and love, none of it could have happened.
Photo courtesy of Everybody’s Pizza website