Decatur Kindergarten Almost at Projected Enrollment for Next Year
Decatur Metro | March 11, 2013On the heels of a post on Atlanta Magazine (thanks DrB!) about CSD suspending admission of tuition students (this was mentioned at the LAST school meeting, but I blanked in posting it), there’s this mention at the end of Superintendent Edwards’ overview for March School Board meeting tomorrow…
Enrollment projections for next year were set at 4036 (K-12). Kindergarten projections : 371.
At this time, we have 112 new Kindergarten students (last year 105). We have 142 new students overall with an enrollment of 10 new students at the 9th grade alone. With the calculation of the PreK students moving up – we are already close to meeting the projection for Kindergarten. We will keep you informed as the spring goes on.
And as the Superintendent said in the Atlanta Magazine piece…
We haven’t even kicked into [the main registration period of] late spring or summer,
I am not surprised. My daughter is currently a Kindergartener in CSD system. When she was born a nurse told me that there was a baby boom going on, she is a July birthday which is the tail end of who was old enough to start K last year. Plus with DeKalb and Atlanta school such a mess there are very few houses for sale in CSD district. Just hope CSD can keep up the quality.
“Just hope CSD can keep up the quality.”
I agree, and this thought has occurred to many.
On the positive side, my 2nd and 4th graders have been in CSD schools since K, and the teachers and administrators have risen to the challenges of rapid growth and change. They continue to provide a high-quality, well-rounded education. Praise also goes to the parents, whose high level of involvement makes a strong school system even stronger.
Applications are up this year to a record level at Friends School of Atlanta, which probably reflects on the chaos at DCSS.
No doubt. And if Dunwoody secedes, DCSS may spiral even further. Obviously, those of us whose property values are tied in part to the quality of DCSS are all overpaying property taxes, since the old assessments are no longer worth the paper they’re printed on. Fried of mine with kids who is looking for a house told me recently that his realtor advised them to cross DeKalb off their list entirely.
Is the 105 as of last year a to-date number or the total by the first day of school. If it’s the latter, then we are looking at a huge jump.