Medlock Neighborhood To Review Atlanta Annexation Option

From Medlock Area Neighborhood Association website…

from MANA acting President Lynn Ganim

Special MANA meeting

Atlanta’s District 6 Councilman Alex Wan will present information about the City of Atlanta and what would be involved if our neighborhood chose to be annexed into Atlanta, one of the several possibilities that have been suggested for our area.

He will speak on Wednesday, September 17, at 7:00 at North Decatur Presbyterian Church.

As has been said many times, even though many of us would like to be left as we are in unincorporated DeKalb County, others are discussing—even planning— changes to our future, and it’s critical that we inform ourselves so that we can make our own educated decisions. Please plan to attend this important informational meeting.

Map courtesy of MANA website

15 thoughts on “Medlock Neighborhood To Review Atlanta Annexation Option”

  1. That’s how much they do not want to be annexed into the City of Decatur! And neither does Emory Commons!

  2. Mostly Medlock wants to be left alone. However, proposed new cities will gobble up all the remaining decent tax base leaving pockets of unincorporated DeKalb trying to cobble together a viable tax base. South DeKalb loves to spend money but doesn’t kick in its fair share esp with the housing collapse. (Thanks Bush administration!) Medlock is looking to have some influence in its location and governance.
    Increasingly, it looks like Emory and Druid Hills may choose to go with Atlanta for its better government (not a huge stretch btw over the corrupt County). Medlock would do well to join with that group of neighborhoods than be stranded in nowhere land.

  3. Is there a reason they don’t want to be included in City of Decatur? I know our taxes are high but we also get great schools, increased home values, and responsible governance.

    1. I can’t speak for everyone else in Medlock or Clairmont Heights, but it seems to me that Decatur has made it very clear that they don’t want us–they just want our commercial property. I would prefer to join the City of Decatur, though I understand why some may be concerned about higher taxes. But if that’s not an option, we have to pick the next best option, since it seems likely that being left alone won’t be a choice.

      1. +1
        I completely agree…I would love to join COD but my understanding is that they don’t want our residential property.

      2. It’s complicated.

        I live in Medlock. My preference would be for all of this cityhood crap to go away.

        If it won’t go away, my second preference is to get annexed into Decatur (but I keep hearing they don’t want us).

        I really, really, really don’t want to be in City of Atlanta. Hope that does not come to pass.

        Also don’t want to be in no man’s land.

        Medlock is a great n’hood. CoD would be lucky to have us. 😉

    1. Renfroe Middle’s enrollment has gone from 450 kids to 920 kids in the last 6 years. The system is at or near historical highs. No where to put another large chunk of kids.

    1. The school system as a whole is iffy. But if you break it down to individual school and section of the city you’ll see wide disparities. The schools throughout the eastern, northern and middle sections of Atlanta are top notch. Medlock would end up bordering some of the most desirable neighborhoods in the City of Atlanta.

  4. I have heard that Emory REALLY DOESN’T want to be part of any Made Up City.

    If it comes down to it, Emory will allow itself to be annexed by Atlanta rather than have to lose an immediately recognizable name on the mailing address. They’re “in” Atlanta for name recognition purposes. Oglethorpe worked out a similar deal with Brookhaven when Brookhaven was formed. It’s in Brookhaven, but they somehow maintained an Atlanta mailing address.

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