Decatur Education Foundation Announces Symposium that Explores Global Water Issues
Decatur Metro | February 26, 2013Gail Rothman sends along this announcement…
The Decatur Education Foundation, in partnership with City Schools of Decatur International Baccalaureate (IB) program, is pleased to announce Water Wise, a Funk Global Symposium. Water Wise is an educational opportunity for all 8th and 9th grade students enrolled in City Schools of Decatur to explore global water issues through multiple perspectives.
The symposium will offer a menu of break out sessions. Presenters will provide interactive and discussion-based sessions on global water issues
Click here to access the Request for Workshop Proposals (http://
decatureducationfoundation. org/our-work/water-wise-a- funk-global-symposium/. Sessions should be age-appropriate, interactive and have an element of discussion for students. Session leaders must be prepared to lead two morning sessions. Presenters will be done with morning sessions by 12:00 PM but are welcome to stay for lunch and the afternoon program. The Water Wise keynote address will be presented by Evan Abramson and Carmen Elsa Lopez, documentary filmmakers whose multiple award-winning short film,Carbon For Water, explores an innovative solution to the water crisis and associated environmental crisis facing people in the Western Province of Kenya. See http://www.vestergaard- film/filmmakers.html for details. For more information email
Morning Metro: Q&A with Scott Drake, DeKalb School Board Suspensions, and the Benefits of Olive Oil
Decatur Metro | February 26, 2013- Q&A with District 1 Candidate Scott Drake [Patch]
- Deal suspends 6 of 9 DeKalb School Board members [AJC]
- Selig plans to break ground on Walmart in late Spring [Champion]
- Beltline construction returns as advisory group ponders equity issues [Saporta]
- DeKalb: No new taxes and no new fixes [AJC]
- GA bill targets “slowpokes” in left lane [ABC]
- “Mediterranean Diet” shown to ward off heart attacks and stroke [NYT]
Best Meal For Under $10 in Decatur / Atlanta Area
Decatur Metro | February 26, 2013Why $10? Well, us humans like round numbers so it’s a little less intrusive than “best meals for less than $8.34″.
Anyway, rambling sort of morning. What are your fav meals around Decatur and Atlanta that ring up at less than $10? I believe they are popularly referred to as “cheap eats”.