Moving 4th and 5th Graders To Renfroe
Decatur Metro | December 20, 2008CSD Mom sends along a note that details the the current recommendation of the school system’s Reconfiguration Committee. In a nutshell – regardless of annexation, the CSD should move 4th and 5th graders to Renfroe after building an addition for the 2010-2011 school year.
Here are the details with and without annexation thrown into the mix.
Recommendation offered to the superintendent
After extensive learning, dialogue, and consensus-building, the committee offers the following recommendation:
Without Annexation
Option 12 (new option offered 11.19.08)
Keep current configurations for the 2009-2010 school year, adding any necessary mobile units at Clairemont, Oakhurst, and Winnona Park, in order to prepare for Option 9 Make Glennwood a K3, move 4/5 to a building expansion on the Renfroe campus for the 2010-2011 school yearWith Annexation
Option 12
Keep current configurations for the 2009-2010 school year, adding any necessary mobile units at Clairemont, Oakhurst, and Winnona Park, in order to prepare for either Option 9 Make Glennwood a K3, move 4/5 to a building expansion on the Renfroe campus for the 2010-2011 school year, or Option 8 (if Option 9 will not meet annexation needs) Make Glennwood and Westchester K3s, move 4/5 to a building expansion on the Renfroe campus for the 2010-2011 school yearTimeline:
a. Superintendent presents multiple options to Board of Education
for February 10, 2009 meeting
b. Board of Education conducts informational sessions and public
hearings (if needed) end of February
c. Board of Education votes on action item March 10, 2009