District 1’s Fred Boykin Launches Campaign Website
Decatur Metro | August 19, 2009Fred writes in…
I wanted to let you know that my campaign web site is now live. www.fredboykin.com Still have one or two final tweaks but you’re welcome to visit it and let the Decatur Metro readers know too.
I’m in Portland, OR for the rest of the week at the national Safe Routes to School conference. Decatur is doing a presentation on our Safe Routes program and there are 3 of us doing the presentation – Greg White, Asst. Director, Decatur Active Living Division, Oakhurst Elementary parent volunteer Beth Thompson, and myself. Looking forward to it.
At the site you can read Fred’s bio, meet his campaign team, learn who has already endorsed him, make a donation, and find out how to volunteer. Fred has also started a blog and in his first post gives an overview of his key issues and concerns for the city in the coming years.
Oh, and I would be remiss if I didn’t highlight the great Fred Boykin cartoon character! I can only imagine the bicycling-related hi-jinks he’ll be getting into!