Sandy Springs HOA Plans to Capture and Kill Coyotes
Decatur Metro | November 10, 2011Though no coyotes or coyotes experts are quoted in this article, many Decaturites are well aware that if you bring in experts, they will advise against capture and killing coyotes. Not for any moral reason, but because the animals will just quickly repopulate your coyote-friendly areas. Guess Sandy Springs has some money to burn. From the AJC…
Confrontations between residents and coyotes in a Sandy Springs neighborhood have gotten so serious, a homeowners association board recently voted to hire trappers to capture and kill the animals – the latest to do so in the area, but creating a split in the community.
“It was a tough decision, but we’ve made it. I’m having about 12-to-1 calls and emails in favor of this process,” Dane Seibert, president of the Huntcliff Homeowners Association, told the AJC in a phone interview.
Ah well, ’tis better to have killed and lost, than never to have killed at all, I suppose.