Reconfiguration Committee Votes Overwhelmingly for Option 13
Decatur Metro | April 23, 2009CSD Mom’s Reconfiguration Blog tips us off to the fact that the CSD Reconfiguration Committee has recommended Option #13 (renovate 5th Avenue into 4/5 academy) to the school board.
Sure enough, the recommendation is now up on the CSD website (pdf) and it looks like #13 won in a landslide.
As the letter states, after Option 13, both the Renfroe addition and the Westchester renovation were the second choice, while further expanding Glennwood to accomidate the growing 4/5 academy ranked third.
As previously stated, Option 13 renovates 5th Avenue Elementary to house the city’s 4/5 academy and returns Glennwood to a K-3. Keeping IB and racial diversity were the key concerns leading to the decision, along with maintaining current grade configurations and building a “state-of-the-art facility.” The stated main concerns with a 5th Ave renovation have been the cost (around $10 million) and the non-central location.
The Board of Ed meets next month to vote on the committee’s recommendation.