You’re entitled to your opinion, of course, but it’s always been my understanding that “Anchorman” enjoys the status of somewhat of a cult classic. I merely liked it, but I know there are folks who are sincerely swayed by its particular brand of comedy.
As sequels go, Decatur (okay, Agnes Scott) has certainly played backdrop to a lot worse.
Okay, no takers in my plot to obtain Paul Rudd by any means necessary? You know his character wore an old 688 shirt in Clueless? That means he is my destiny.
I have a friend who dated him in college. She mentioned this to me when “Clueless” came out and that she’d broken up with him. I suggested that if he does not qualify as a keeper, perhaps her standards are a wee bit high.
haha awesome. saw this at the big lots furniture parking lot this weekend
Winnebago Man of God
WWRD? What Would Ron (Burgundy) Do?
More like “Who.”
It’s a riff on WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) …ba dum dum [insert laugh]
Yeah, I got that.
The first one was terrible. Including Decatur will make this one 100 percent better.
You’re entitled to your opinion, of course, but it’s always been my understanding that “Anchorman” enjoys the status of somewhat of a cult classic. I merely liked it, but I know there are folks who are sincerely swayed by its particular brand of comedy.
As sequels go, Decatur (okay, Agnes Scott) has certainly played backdrop to a lot worse.
What a surprise you hated it, grumpy pants.
He seems to be stuck in a glass case of emotion.
+1 million
That line makes me laugh so hard I cry. Even out of context, here, in this thread.
Thank you.
I’m very important. I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.
Eye on the ‘Bago
Okay, no takers in my plot to obtain Paul Rudd by any means necessary? You know his character wore an old 688 shirt in Clueless? That means he is my destiny.
I’m in. Especially since you brought up Clueless.
I haven’t spotted him but I could smell his Sex Panther cologne all the way over on Pensdale.
I have a friend who dated him in college. She mentioned this to me when “Clueless” came out and that she’d broken up with him. I suggested that if he does not qualify as a keeper, perhaps her standards are a wee bit high.
While you guys debate the merits of Anchorman, I’m going to go yogging.
Great Odin’s Raven!
What does San Diego mean?