The Great Decatur Business Mashup
Decatur Metro | November 12, 2009OK, here’s a question that proves I’m not quite right in the head.
If you had the power (note that I didn’t say “big wad of money” this time) to combine any two Decatur businesses into one “mega” business, what would they be? What would be the most successful combination? What would be the weirdest combination?
I’m also pretty sure there’s a festival somewhere inside this idea. It could be great fun for visitors to sample new businesses and it would give business owners an opportunity to think outside the box and sample new ideas. And of course there would be awards at the end of the day for best mashup.
Daren, you’re the festival-maker…whatdaya think? “The Great Decatur Mashup Fest?” The Brick Store meets Yogurt Tap! Cakes and Ale meets Heliotrope! The Grange meets Boogaloos! Saba meets Intown Auto!
Yum…car parts pasta…
“Time for geography, kiddies. Daddy will be over here studying Belgium.”
Whit’s End and Wiggle or Hoopla……a one stop shop for a woman’s family……get Daddy something, and baby something.
Decatur has many great dining facilities — Feast, Fellini’s, Leon’s, Raging Burrito, TDS, and Watershed — all housed in former gas stations/garages. (I’m probably missing one or two more.)
Decatur has a Goodyear that has suddenly lost a substantial amount of business.
Rather than dying on the vine, Goodyear can simply read the writing on the wall and become a true “full service” restaurant. Prix fixe dinner and oil change, anyone? Would you like a lube job with that slider? Perhaps The Giant ‘Traffic” Jam Sandwich?
Of course, they would probably upsell the food as well. (“If you don’t order an appetizer with that you’re probably going to die.”)
I would combine the two local blogs:
Legolas and Gimli.
Or maybe it’s Luke and Han?
How about Chocolate Bar and Relics and Rarities? Both are great but seem they could use a little more traffic. So why not have the Chocolate Bar cater to R&R’s more adult tastes? Chocolate martinis and cars would be a dashing combination.
Raging Thumbs Man Tavern? Anyone?
It would have to be Leapin’ Lizards plus Leon’s. Fun for the kiddos, fun for the parents. Do I get extra points for alliteration?
Now you did it, DecaturKJ. The Dr. Seuss in me wants to get out! How about:
Eddie’s End.
Whit’s Wahoo Wiggles!
Little Lenz Leon’s Lilly Loaf.
Dancing Diem Duck’s of Decatur.
Parker’s Paste Pastries a PushPush.
(Bill) Floyd’s Fleet Feet Feast Festival.
Button Brick Bistro in a Burrito Boogaloo Beer Box.
Sweet Saba Steinbeck Sawicki’s Store del Sol of Stories.
Cosmic Kaleidoscope’s Cakes & Carpe Cookie CrossFit Community Cajun Cafe.
“…Pastries a Push Push”
Thinking Man’s/Ink & Dagger
Seems so obvious to me….
McKinney’s Pharm House Restaurant. Lipitor with your BBQ?
I’ll start fishing for some sponsors.
Translation: SLOW NEWS DAY
Ink and Dagger/Sheepish. Get the point?
Parker- it took me a minute, but I got it.
Agnes Scoots – Specializing in scooters for women.
That is genius!
How about the Taco Nazis and a daycare center? I’d call it “Poetic Justice”.
I would frequent fine establishments such as:
Leon’s Noodle Tap
Mellow Nectar-a-go-go
Nathalie’s Sushi Relics
Raging Melissa’s Saba Del Sol
Thumbs Up Twain’s Universal Joint
Little Shop of Feet & Big Peaches
Eddie’s Wahoo! Monkey
“Thumbs Up Twain’s Universal Joint” – LOL! No double entendre there, I’m sure.
This one gets my vote!
If only somebody had thought of this year ago and come up with:
Trackside/Decatur Fire Department
Trackside & Depot- then we could close College Avenue and have A Train Festival….details to follow
Twain’s Little Shop of Mushrooms
Sushi Pig
Eddie’s Man Tavern
Carpe Brasas
Cafe Cafe
Fifth Monkey
Universal Dancing