Your Questions Answered: Is Rep. Benfield Trying To Bring Trader Joe’s To Decatur?
Decatur Metro | November 18, 2009“S” recently wrote in with this question…
I heard that Rep. Stephanie Stuckey Benfield has some sort of campaign going to bring Trader Joe’s to Decatur. Do you have any info on this?
On Monday, Rep. Benfield replied to the question…
Yes, for a long time I ran a notice in my weekly community updates encouraging folks to contact Trader Joe’s about opening a location in Decatur. I recently quit running the piece because I ran it for about 6 months. But I’m a big fan of Trader Joes and would love to see them in our community. I learned about the “movement” from Facebook and helped spread the word. By separate email, I’ll forward you one of my old Benfield Beats that publicizes the Trader Joe’s effort.
Link-wise the Facebook page is here, currently sporting 1,111 fans. And to check out the most recent Benfield Beat weekly newsletter, click here!