DHS Students Will Clean Up Dearborn Park and Your Yard
Decatur Metro | November 5, 2009DHS teacher Chris Billingsley reports in…
I want to let you know that Decatur High School is planning on having two teams at Saturday’s Dearborn Park Renewal Day, a DHS Close Up team and a FX (9th grade) team. The CU team will use any prize money to provide scholarships for our Washington, D.C trip. The FX team will donate any prize money to a local charity.
In addition, the DHS Close Up Club is setting up another “Rake&Run” service project for November 14 from 9:00 until 4:00. A team of students and adult chaperons will come to your Decatur area home, rake and bag leaves, mulch plants, and clean gutters. This is a free service project but donations will be gladly accepted. The CU Club is trying to raise funds to take a trip to Gettysburg while we are in Washington, D.C. Our Close Up trip is scheduled for April. Please send an email to cbillingsley[at]csdecatur.net if you are interested.
In that vein, the AJC has a nice article about Park Renewal Day in today’s “paper.”
We had the students rake our yard last year – they did a wonderful job. I have been telling my husband all month that I really hoped they would be doing it again as I do not want to rake the leaves. Yay! This is by far my favorite fundraiser. Forget selling wrapping paper and cookie dough.
I think this is an awesome idea….curious Nubbs, do you mind telling me how much you paid them?
Heck yeah! I’ll even supply them with leftover halloween candy.