Free-For-All Friday – 11/6/09
Decatur Metro | November 6, 2009Please use this post to ask questions and comments on local issues not discussed here this week.
Comments are closed Monday.
Please use this post to ask questions and comments on local issues not discussed here this week.
Comments are closed Monday.
« DHS Students Will Clean Up Dearborn Park and Your Yard Veterans Day Service at Decatur Cemetery »
Let’s talk about pet peeves:
Here are two that recently came to mind.
1) If you are jogging with your dog in the middle of the road next to clean wide sidewalks, you do not have the right of way. Do not flip me off because your dog is about to run into my car when you are jaywalking.
2) If legally parked cars are on your side of the road and I am driving down my side of the road, do not whip around and attempt to cut me off. Rules of the road do not change because you are picking up your child from Oakhurst elementary.
Thank you for your support.
Aren’t cars great?
They provide the ultimate convenience and all we had to give up was the functionality of our cities and civil social interaction!
I’m beginning to see the connection between driving and anonymous commenting.
Now, DM– you ain’t one of them…left-leanin’ hippie-types, there, are you?
Nellie Belle…thanks you for the part about the car parked on the other side of the street! Yesterday some tree cutting crew barreling down my street practically killed me in a head on collision cause he wanted to go first.
Oh….AND A BLINKING YELLOW LIGHT DOES NOT MEAN STOP!!! It means proceed with caution.
Pet-peeves for me:
1: Cars that don’t stop for pedestrians in cross walks infuriate me the most. City leaders talk a lot about making Decatur more walkable. But it’s all in vain if this simple law isn’t heeded and enforced. I see it all over town too. The Oakhurst 4-way, Agnes Scott on Candler, Church street near Raging Burrito. Ironically, the safest crosswalk in town is the one leading to the Starbucks. (DM loves this one because of it’s little faux brick hump.)
2: All you lead-footers out there need to go the speed limit. Take a look around at the posted speed limits sometime. Then look down at your speedometer. Do the two numbers jive?
3: Parents who park right beside a sign that says, “No Parking, Fire Lane” while dropping their kid off at College Heights in the morning. No means no. Hopefully your PreK child is learning that simple lesson even if you never learned it yourself.
AMEN to #1 above!
Things I learned this week:
1) If I get shot, I now have 7 different ways to get to DeKalb Medical Center from Clarkston via the parole office in Decatur. (I’m screwed if I get shot somewhere besides Clarkston)
2) If you have a horse in a race, don’t trim it’s nose hairs before the race. (Those hairs could be the deciding factor in a photo finish, but your horse won’t have distracting nose hairs after the race.)
3) There is a great building for sale/lease on Church Street. Only your imagination can limit you on the possibilities for the property. Hopefully you have a “big wad of cash”! (I still want a Trader Joe’s and Trader Vic’s, second only to my castle.)
4) When giving out candy at Halloween, don’t put a toilet in your yard and fill it with candy. People will think you’re sick and demented. (For the record, most days I don’t think I am sick or demented)
5) Armchair quarterbacking can be fun on Monday, but boy is it a touchy subject on a Wednesday after an election.
Thanks, PMCG, your sense of wit provided me with several guffaws.
Cycling rant:
Over on the Oakhurst discussion board the enduring topic of cyclist has come up again. Since the Oakhurst board is apparently not for discussing such items, i’m going to vent here.
Over at that other site people are writing: “I’ll happily share the road with cyclists provided they obey its rules. Also, if I have just had a difficult time getting around you, Mr./Ms. Cyclist, don’t come rolling down the edge of the road at the next stoplight and make me repeat the process all over again. Hold your place in line.” And, “I make a little bet to myself that they [cyclist] won’t stop and, unfortunately, nine times out of 10, I’m right. Talk about potentially causing a tragic accident for which the motorist would, no doubt, get full blame.”
First – so there is actually data on these issues. Yep, its true: Cyclists ARE more likely to roll through a stop sign than a car (7% of the time for cars vs 22% for cyclists). But, there are also data on perceptions: Drivers see cyclists as being reckless when they roll through but when a car rolls through a stop sign then its generally viewed by drivers as acceptable and caused by some other circumstance. So there is an inherent perception bias, which is not in favor of cyclists.
Second, rolling through a stop sign isn’t, apparently, very dangerous. In fact its legal in other places and soon to be legal in Portland, which is widely regarded as one of the most cycling friendly cities. How could rolling through stops NOT be dangerous? Well, cyclists do not have blind spots, like cars do, nor are they listening to the radio (generally), drinking coffee, talking with passengers, shaving, or talking on the phone or, worse, texting. And, they are exposed and thus likely far more aware of their surroundings (a hunch, i have no data).
Third, should cyclists wait behind a long line of cars at a stop sign or move to the front and roll through? A poster on the Oakhurst board (and no doubt somewhere in the archives of DM) says that this is dangerous and implies this will lead to a tragic accident and the motorists will be blamed. The first claim is wrong – data from places with legal roll-throughs show no increase in accident, and second, motorists will blamed is likely incorrect given the perception bias noted above. A very limited assessment of this issue by me shows that there is no time cost to a driver if a cyclists moves to the front of the line.
Finally, for all of their bad wrap let’s remember that cyclists are causing less congestion, using less energy, not texting while driving, increasing the general vibrancy of a neighborhood, improving the health profile of a community, and causing less pollution among many other individual and community benefits. Is the individual gain in each of these domains really small? Yes. Is it greater than the gains from driving a car? Absolutely.
Go get on bike!
This looks like a good place to repeat my cycling rant, or maybe not so much a rant as a “why would you?”: bikers riding on West Howard, in the street, instead of on the usually wide-open Path, and more often than not, without a helmet. Are they all “live free or die” or just unknowingly trying to improve the gene pool?
Yep, I’ve brought this peeve up before here and got slammed by cyclists claiming they are “safer” on the roads where drivers can easily see them. Go figure. I really don’t have any patience for cyclists who ride on a road alongside the PATH. I don’t care how many cool biking accessories you have or how muscular your calves are.
The logic behind that statement completely escapes me. Just this past Sunday we saw an ambulance and several police cars aiding a cyclist who had obviously been hit by a car in front of the house next door to Core Body on West Howard. It is entirely possible that the person who hit him was completely at fault…however, I doubt the cyclist would have been hit if he had been riding on the Path.
Umm…what if I’m taking a left on Commerce or McDonough? I’m much safer if I’m on the road, signal my lane change & intent to turn, and make the turn from the left-hand lane. There’s no easy crossing from the PATH onto either of those streets.
I know for a fact that Decatur Police have ticketed cyclists for disobeying traffic laws. The citation and fine are the same as an automobile, so cyclists running stop signs or red lights put themselves in legal and bodily peril.
I can confirm. I shot through a stop light after checking for traffic coming and got a lovely slip of paper from the Decatur Police. If they can cite me for a moving violation then I can ride on the road unless I am prohibited, ie no interstate riding allowed.
Headline in USA Today: Driver convicted of assault in bicyclist collision
Bikes want to be vehicles and pick and choose which traffic laws they observe. You cants have it both ways….
I’m not sure if I completely understand your point. But this week I had a very similar experience as NB, but with a bicyclist. Backdrop: I LOVE walking. I like bicycling. My son sometimes bikes to school. And I LOVE how the Decatur police and the crossing guards make walking and biking to school SO much safer for the kids.
With that said, I really find it necessary, in the infrastructure we live in, to drive a car. This week as I was driving through a Clairemont neighborhood, I had to pass a man on a bicycle who was apparently exercising his dog while riding down the middle of the street. The man was half way in the lane; he had his dog in the MIDDLE of the road. He continued to ride down the middle of the road regardless of the fact he was going 10mph and a car was behind him. I was scared to death I was going to hit his dog as I tried to get around them. I honked at him to try to communicate to pull over; instead, he interpreted it that I was in a hurry and that I was mad he was making me ‘miss’ the light. i could’ve cared less about the light; I was worried about his DOG. At the light, he came up to my car and started yelling at me and mocking me through the car window.
This man and his sense of entitlement freaked me out. So self-righteous about riding his bike that he is putting a beautiful golden lab/retriever at risk for it’s life and health. I am very willing to share the road. Just because a person is a pedestrian or a bicyclist doesn’t seat them at the right hand of God; just because a person is in a car doesn’t make them evil.
I like to creep along behind them without honking or giving any indication of impatience. It is strangely satisfying.
It’s even better if you’re driving a hybrid. They lack of engine noise means they never hear you coming. (cue sound of evil laughter here)
I think it’s the sense of entitlement with people pushing strollers, joggers and some cyclists that gets to me. We all have to obey the rules of the road and we all have to be kind and courteous in order to make this world turn. Laws are just enforced good manners, and we all should be especially careful to remember ours- and the law – in transportation situations, no matter the mode of transportation.
And Bruschetta, DM keeps trying to make meaningful comments when he knows quite well that his only job on this board is to sit there and look pretty.
And drivers don’t regularly speed through residential neighborhoods?
You’ve been blinded by my beauty if you think that walkers or cyclists act any more entitled than drivers.
I didn’t defend drivers, Beauty Boy. Did you miss my gorgeous whole post about EVERYONE being polite?? And following the rules??? Manners as the foundation of civil society>
But cars are more dangerous than strollers, joggers and even bikes. I find it frustrating that people blithely put themselves in harm’s way to jog down the middle of the street while wearing black at 5 am. I am sensitive to this as I once saw an old lady illegally crossing a street downtown get her back broken. As the only person who didn’t drive around the body on my merry way, I spent several agonizing days in court as she sadly tried to sue the driver and escape a ticket. She got the ticket since roads are for vehicles.
I agree with AMB.
Also, may I add to a comment about Oakie’s post. Inferring that it is “safer” for a cyclist to roll through a stop sign than a car just seems a little spurious in the logic department, not to mention in the legal department. The sign does not say “STOP if you wish”, or “Slow almost to a stop”. But perhaps most importantly for the cyclist to realize:
There is little comfort being “right” gazing at the ceiling from a hospital bed.
Its not a logic issue its an evidence issue: when places allow a roll-through there is no increase in accidents. Despite what seems to be the perception of people on this site, cyclists don’t close their eyes and blindly roll through. Nor am I condoning it when its illegal. Im simply pointing out that arguments based on how dangerous it is and how reckless cyclists are are not based in evidence but in biased perceptions.
If a cyclist wants to roll through a stop sign into oncoming traffic, I will gladly help peel them from the car bumper and will also gladly testify that they disobeyed the law. Same road, same rules?
If a [driver] wants to [speed through a residential neighborhood], I will gladly help peel them from [their windshield] and will also gladly testify that they disobeyed the law. Same road, same rules?
Really? You’d take delight in removing an injured person from a car bumper because you felt they deserved it? That’s harsh.
No, of course not. But I would not hesitate to peel them from a bumper regardless of fault. Perhaps I made a poor choice in wording.
Oh perhaps someone has an impaired sense of sarcasm.
In Decatur? Really?
Thanks for pointing that out, and that apparently we are now “arguing”. Consider my arm pinned by your scientific evidence.
As for me, I like my odds better rolling through a stop sign surrounded by a ton or so of metal as apposed to spandex with garish colors and logos. I will continue to fully stop when cycling. And waiting my turn in line behind cars.
But that is just me.
SAACJack – I’ll probably come to a full stop too! (not sure if Ill wait behind all those stinky cars though!).
ps. We’re not having an argument in the sense of a heated exchange of diverge views (I don’t think?), rather i laid out an argument for my point of view in the hopes of convincing you and others that I am right. I dont think they are the same but we can let the grammar mavens jump on this one – im sure they are out there, watching.
Hey yeah, why do cyclists without sponsors wear all those logos? It confuses and in some cases, depending on the body wearing them, scares me.
I believe it’s called, “gear”. They use it to appear important and serious although, deep down, they know they are on glorified child’s toy. (Thank you George Carlin)
same reason anybody wears a logo. people like logos. is your closet without logos? or simply without logos printed on spandex?
Yeah, actually it pretty much is. The only logos I wear are on tees from schools and nonprofits whose sponsors pay to plaster them on clothes for a good cause. We are pretty much a family that eschews plastering company branding on our bodies without payment.
same here, not much of a logo wearer, but come to think of it, I do have the ubiquitous City of Decatur logo plate on the front of my car.
I hope you bought your lovely logo-embossed College Heights spirit wear!
indeed, I did make that purchase. as a child of 70′s, I’m always a sucker for the ringer tee.
This is a departure from the cycling issue, but are there any Zipcar users out there? I pass one on my daily walk to the MARTA station and have been considering signing up (otherwise, a vehicle purchase is in my future). Anyone else have any experience with the program??
I have friends that have been thrilled with Zipcar. And apparently their bumpers feature a snow plow for mowing down cyclists.
Zipcars are super convenient and affordable. A simple set of rules to follow about gas and mileage. There are SUPER hefty fees if you do not return them in time though. But they’re really great if you just need to run a few errands. They’re also pretty strict about your driving record being squeaky clean.
I went for over a year without owning a car, and used Zipcar quite often. Easy, straightforward and cheap if you just need it for a couple hours. You can get all kinds of different vehicles, so if you need a pickup for something, you can go over to Emory and get one.
Zipcar is a great service, period.
I have no need for a ZipCar, generally, but I think it’s a great idea for folks who do. There’s even a ZipCar iPhone app that allows you to locate the closest ZipCar, rent it, and even unlock it all from your phone. Crazy.
This is second hand information but worth checking out about the Zip Cars. A friend told me that she, as a Zip Car user, is entitled to use the program in other cities as well. Very advantageous on a recent trip to San Francisco.
Ditto Oakie. When you roll through a stop sign, if the law says stop and you don’t, you are in the wrong. It is wrong to do what’s “easy” if it puts others in jeopardy. That said, there’s rude people on 2 legs, 2 wheels and 4 wheels who think their “right” (to walk their dog, to ride or drive the way they like) supersedes other peoples’ safety. Realize that a good % of them are clueless (vs. personally out to annoy you).
As a cyclist, I hope cars cut me some slack but I also try to not create enemies for all cyclists on a daily basis. It all comes down to being part of a community vs. an anonymous jerk. And maybe I have a different view as a cycling commuter–those same cars and drivers and dog walkers share the road with me every day. Pissing them off is counterproductive. Talking to them (“ma’am, please shorten the leash if you know your dog goes nuts at bikes, having him charge into the street like that could get us all hurt”) means sticking your neck out but can make a difference. I’m forever thankful to a driver who cared enough one night to slow down and yell at me to get more lights. I did.
That’s a nice, reasoned response, Cat.
Thank you.
Yeah, Cat. Ditto what Nelliebelle said. Yours is a classy well-reasoned post. Thanks.
Zipcars are not usually an economic choice. First, you have to make a reservation (computer), and hope that one will be located WHEN you want it and WHERE you want it. Then you are charged $$ for each hour and penalized for late returns to that location. If the location is not very near your home, you will have to walk or MARTA to that further location, and return home the same way. What kind of convenience is that? You could just take MARTA and be done with it, or rent a car for 1 day and do multiple errands. Local taxi rates are reasonable too, I think. Purchasing a vehicle is a huge investment, hassle, and worry these days: price/loan payments, registration, repairs, gasoline, theft and damage concerns, insurance, etc. etc. MARTA or a regular rental car (Enterprise will pick you up and bring you back home at your door) is a much more economic choice for temporary transportation needs.
Here’s a potential conversation starter: What is the affect of anonymity on debates? Do you feel that the ability to post anonymously on blogs/internet forums etc. helps or hinders civil discourse? Are you likely to state something anonymously that you would otherwise never say? If so, is this increased boldness a good or a bad thing?
I am this obnoxious whether anonymous or known. There are actually a couple of posters on here who know who I am who can attest. They recognized my obnoxiousness through my carefully crafted online persona.
I have to say the same goes for me–though, in person I’m louder and don’t punctuate very much.
for slightly less anonymity, go to and create your own avatar.
I just checked out…seems easy enough.
It’s definitely a double-edged sword James.
I think it can be good to a point. Anonymity allows people to be more honest about what they think for better and for worse. I’m well-aware of the ways it can hinder civil discourse (as is anyone who experienced the Oakhurst historic district fight) and it’s a big part of the reason why I’m forced to moderate in certain ways.
And here’s another interesting element that would make requiring people to use their full names difficult. This site probably has enough “Google Juice” to make your comments the number 1 return if someone were to Google you. And that could easily turn people off.
How appropriate for DM to be commenting on anonymity…
Do they serve ‘Google Juice’ at the Brick Store? Hoppy, with chocolate and pecan aftertones, and a high-sarcasm content…sounds delicious.
So my wife was right – when people google “Jeff Kershaw” all they’ll see are my political smears. Something to think about.
I’m all for anonymity. If there’s a “Judd Owen” out there somewhere, I hope he doesn’t mind me using his name.
My favorite comment of the week. And it’s not even mean-spirited!
Hmmm. I’m generally polite, on- or off-blog, but I’d have to say that I’m probably much more blunt in person, if only for the fact that in my job, it’s mostly unavoidable.
hmmm, what type of occupation requires bluntness? i’ll venture a guess. are you a parole officer at the office where the bloody Clarkstonian ended up the other day?
My comment for writerChad appeared under CSDmom…but it’s for you CHADSTER! Cheers!
actually my enhanced sense of sarcasm has gotten me far in life. surprisingly, it’s only gotten me popped in the jaw once. (that I remember, anyway.)
Question for all: Do you like or dislike your avatar/identicon (the little graphic next you name)?
I’m not asking whether I should get rid of them, just always been curious if people have an opinion of them.
I’m indifferent. It makes no impact on me whether or not I have an avatar/identicon.
I kind of liked it, until I found out it’s called an “identicon.” And now that you mention it, it seems like almost everyone has a cooler one than I do.
Mine is okay but writerchad’s scares the hella outta me.
Hey DM, I didn’t think personal attacks were allowed. (sarcastic grin)
Whoa, Chad. LOVE the new avatar.
Well, in all honesty….I felt a little flaky before.
The icons don’t bother me one bit. Thanks to writerchad for the hint on how to make everyone stare into my goggled eyes! bwahahahahaha.
PMcG, were you the Goggle Boy with maracas out on the town a few weeks ago?!
Hahahha…no, wasn’t me. That sounds like a fun time though.
how about a delicious bowl of oranges?
I just wish all the candidates would pick up all of their signs. Can the metal go in the recycling?
I put one of the metal frames in the recycling along with a cardboard sign and they took it all.
Please feel free to email me at and I will come pick up Rob Pope signs. I’m picking them up whenever I see them. Thanks!
I feel so smug that MY favorite candidates picked up THEIR signs. Even if not everyone I support is a winner, they are classy!
All my signs are for winning candidates, but I still ‘own’ some signs. Can’t decide whether that means my candidates aren’t all ‘classy’ or my abode resembles a dump.
OK, back to the pedestrian issue. I will stop for someone who is crossing legally at a crosswalk, and has the WALK sign. And I will also stop for someone crossing ILLEGALLY in the middle of the street, just because I don’t want their death/destruction on my hands. But I have the right to yell at you and tell you you’re stupid, selfish and an idiot because you are jaywalking, and causing harm not only to yourself, but to the people behind me (because I have had to stop so abruptly in the center of the street.) Giving me the finger will make me even madder and reconsider my position on plastering you against the grill of my car. Ok, I’m kidding, sort of….
On another note, if we can’t get these lights/walk/don’t walk signs timed so that people can actually get across the street .. without waiting for their hair to turn gray, I’d appreciate it mightily!
I like my identicon!
Hey DM
How come some people (I guess they are) have little pictures next to their “name” and how do I get one?
WriterChad put it up earlier:
Hey Rick,
Chad mentioned this above I believe. You just gotta go to and create a “Globally Recognized Avatar” for yourself. In my experience the change usually isn’t immediate unless you delete all your cache, but give it a day or two and soon you’ll have a brand new bag…er face.
I’ve been looking for an idea for my next tattoo! I think my identicon would be perfect.
LOL. That would be an interesting idea for DM t-shirts. The logo on the back or front and then on the other side “You Might Know Me As…” and then a pic of your identicon.
Then when people starred at you, you wouldn’t know whether it was because they thought you were nuts or they were trying to place you amongst DM commenters.
This thread has taught me that it is bad to drive a car, ride a bike, or walk in Decatur (especially with a dog).
Watch for me on Ponce atop an elephant in the near future.
Oh Lumpintheroad — don’t even get me started on elephants rolling through stop signs like they own the freakin’ roads — much worse than drivers — and they leave a bigger mess too!
Ahem. You will let my elephant pass unmolested or I will command him to thwap you with his trunk and crap on your Prius.
Try that with a 10-speed.
Visualizing a spandexed elephant right now…
Not so fast, lump…
You Hit A What?’ SUV Nearly Slams Into Elephant
Elephant’s Tusk Tears Hole In Vehicle’s Sheet Metal
Any Decatur-Dekalb YMCA members out there? Why is it better to park on the road in front of the Y instead of the parking lot or even the lower lot? My concern is for my fellow Y members that park on the road vs. the “cutters” (drivers cutting through from Scott Blvd to Clairemont). Fear that a Y member will need to be peeled off a cutters front bumper. Also, tried of the looks from Y members when I drive slowwwwly down this road to my home because I am not giving them the right away (no cross walk). Please use the parking lot!
…and I’m tired of almost T-boning the Y-members who turn left from the second driveway (farthest from C’mont) without STOPPING AT THE STOP SIGN! One kid probably had to change his shorts the other day when he wanted to read the serial numbers on my head light lenses.
An election question: I have an Atlanta address (right on the edge of Decatur proper), but my house is also in unincorporated DeKalb County.
Can I vote in the mayoral election?
I can’t find the answer anywhere and no one has been able to answer it either.
If you’re not in incorporated Atlanta, you can’t vote in Atlanta elections. The city name in your address means nothing – it’s a product of the Postal Service. Just ask people whose address says “Decatur” and who live 10 miles from the City limits.
Looking at all these comments, gotta say this has been one of the liveliest FFAFs in weeks. Nelliebelle, you really know how to get the party started, chiquita!
I did that on purpose
Now, where’s my rum, limes and cupcakes?
Dang. Now I gotta hand over rum, limes, AND cupcakes??? Maybe I should just make some lime cupcakes with rum in ‘em (kill three birds with one stone)!
Actually, that sounds really good. I may work on that. A from scratch yellow cake with rum and vanilla with lime frosting. I could actually make that. But it’s so much easier if you do it.
If you have any free time on Saturday between 9 am to 1 pm, please stop by Dearborn Park for 2009 Park Renewal Day, It’s a unique event sponsored by city business Renewal Design-Build, DeKalb Co. Greenspace Office, DeKalb Co. Parks & Recreation, and the City of Decatur Active Living Division. Volunteer groups compete for cash prizes by removing invasive species, wisteria, privet, large trash, etc. Last year, car axels, refrigerators, old metal box springs, etc. were removed from the park. There will be coffee and snacks, and a lot of great cameraderie. It’s a special & fun community event.
Late to the party but have comments:
I bike and I wait behind the cars that pass me b/c it’s nicer, more rule oriented, and b/c I don’t want them to be mad and pass too closely if they have to pass again. Defensive driving works on bikes, too.
Crossing on the path at Atlanta Ave, into the skirt of the Citgo parking lot, is scary as a biker, but was more scary when I was driving and almost hit a biker I never saw despite looking. If you are flying through there on your bike, I think you are taking a huge risk.
PS – My favorite candidates won AND picked up their yard signs.
My candidates won, but I still have some signs, now in my recycling bin hopefully awaiting Mon. pickup.
You know…..I worry about that Citgo crossing too. I have a 5th grader at Glennwood. In the afternoon, he arrives on his bike at the intersection of W. Howard and Commerce (on the Path) at about 3:10. Lately, either he’s been arriving earlier than usual, or the crossing guard has been getting there late, because he reports having to wait for ten minutes or more to cross W. Howard there (we live in the neighborhood a block off W. Howard). He will cross on his own if traffic is light enough, but he says it takes a long time for that to happen. So I’ve told him that if the crossing guard is not there, to bike down the Path to the Adair St. crossing and cross there….but your post makes me worry even more about him crossing Atlanta Ave. at the Citgo. There are a lot of cars turning right on red off Atlanta, trying to turn left onto Atlanta, etc….I drive that way every day myself. There is just no easy way to navigate that area.
The danger at that intersection is why I voted for the bond issue several years ago which promised to make improvements. It is a continuing frustration that so much time passes until we see anything. What gives with that project?
There is a workshop at City Hall Thursday evening – go and find out.
Thanks, I will!
I love that everyone is creating their own gravatars now! It’ll just take a bit to become familiar with all the new “faces”.
Unfortunately, I can’t personalize my avatar. My beauty would blind you all, and no one would take me seriously.
I am interested in buying a fresh, free range and relatively local turkey this year. Anyone have recommendations of where to get this? Dekalb Farmer’s Market? Someplace else?
Decatur-wise, Sawicki’s is probably your best bet. Here’s a link to her Thanksgiving menu.
Not sure I’ve ever seen local turkeys at the YDFM.
This probably will not help for this year, but there is a farm in Elberton, GA that raises and sells heritage breed turkeys. They generally sell out early in the year, but there is a waiting list. Web site is:
We had a turkey from Sawicki’s last year. Amazing. I’m pretty sure we brined it. First year in memory there was no leftover turkey.
Welcome to Monday!
Before I drag them over, does the Oakhurst Coop Garden or any other place compost pumpkins?
Anyone have an idea where I can buy a loaf of pumpkin bread in the city of Decatur?