10 Year-Old Sydney Rhame Performs at the Rec
Decatur Metro | May 23, 2009“who decatur” writes in and notes that Glennwood student, Sydney Rhame, and “The Lock Outs” will perform today at noon on the eastern lawn of the Rec Center. It’s 11:30a now, so I sure hope you’re reading this on a mobile device or you live within a quick walk of the Rec.
Watch Rhame perform a bunch of her songs here and then join my chorus of “Is she really only 10 years old?”
IMHO No Way she is only 10 years old.
. . . must be a member of the Chinese gymnastic team
(re: teh “Chinese” snark: erm, well actually not, but thanks for playing our game)
That girl ain’t 10.
She’s probably closer to 11 now, actually– in the video “Something More” (the one shot in July 2008), she gives her age as 10… I guess there’s always the chance that she’d just turned 10, but she was pretty grown-up looking even then. I know when I was 11, I was already 5’8″, so I can believe she’s still a tween. They’re still pretty green now, but give these girls another decade, they’ll probably be doing world tours!
Scary isn’t it. Wait till she releases her first ablum at 15. Wins a grammy at 18. hit’s the skids with her mediocre fourth album at 21. Makes an amazing comeback at 27, and retires at thirty to do guest spots on the 21st C version of the Love Boat.
We can all say “we knew her when…”
Everyone should frickin grow up! What if she or her parents read this? She is a young girl, folks can you just leave her alone? If this were your child would you be happy about folks commenting about her? Be nice, she is a child for goodness sake. Leave your snarky comments to adults, at least!
Wow- thanks for that ‘interesting’ viewpoint Rebecca.
I don’t read any of these above as snarky or insulting. In fact, I think we’re all impressed with the talent and dedication all these girls are demonstrating.
Saying that Sydney doesn’t appear to be only ten years old, I believe, should be read as a compliment. And my comment is intended to make note of how early a start she’s getting in her musical ‘career’. So, please go backand re-read and assume that the writers have good intentions, and see if it comes across any different.
And if the Rhame family, who I know and like very much, have any concerns about these comments, I’ll be the first to apologize. (But I don’t think they will.)
If my comments could be construed as insulting, then I do apologize. I was actually being playful.
Honestly, it boggles my mind a bit that a 10 year old could look so mature, and have the resourcefulness to gig at that age. Congratulations to her and the other kids in her band. As the parent of a 2 and a 5-year old, I can imagine her parents are deservedly proud.
OK. The Lock Outs were very impressive, and yes, Sydney is a bit of “woman-child”. I know for sure she turns 11 in July (and is in 5th grade in Decatur—records have to be verified for that people!) and regardless, she is an amazing talent at any age. The entire band had to have dedication and GUTS to get up there and perform…and do so well! I was impressed with all of them, and when they accept their Grammy in 10 years, I am sure they will mention this gig!
Go Decatur!
I appreciate all the attention my ‘little’ 10 year old daughter has brought to this board. We are used to people not believing she is her age. Yes, her 11th birthday is in late July if you guys want to get her a birthday gift!
Sydney had a blast today @ the festival. Hopefully people enjoy her music but I guess it doesn’t matter since she really enjoys writing & playing & is having fun. Julie & I are incredibly proud of her & in awe of what she does sometimes.
In fact, after what I thought was a long day, she performed some of her original songs @ Kavarna in Oakhurst to open for another group! Next Saturday @ Kavarna she is scheduled to perform her songs to open @ 7:30 for another group. Sydney is also scheduled to perform @ Eddie’s Attic on Open Mic Night is late August so if you guys want to come out & support her that would be great.
Thanks everyone, except George, who I have always had concerns about! (None of which have to do with Sydney!)
Sydney, that was a stunning performance… best of the afternoon.. you’re on to Hollywood!
I was at the Glennwood Academy Talent Show last Wed. and heard Sydney sing one of the songs she’d written and was totally blown away by her talent! I told her mom afterwards – as did many others -that she really needed to pursue this as a professional career.
When I found out that Sydney and her band were performing that Sat. at the Arts Festival, I made sure we were all there to see her perform more of her songs. My 4th grader and 5 year old are now such big fans that they wanted to have their picture made with her. She’s a lovely child and we wish her well. Can’t wait to hear her perform again!
Woooow… what’s up Dawg! That was Haaaawt!
Giggle giggle… hiccup.
The Lock Outs were awesome. They played like champs, especially considering how loud that gym was. I want to see more of this band.
I was in the gym with my twin girls on the bouncey mat when the band started playing, and I was pleasantly surprised at how good these girls sounded. My girls bounced and danced even harder when they started playing. I never would have had the guts to perform in front of a group when I was that age – or even now at 34! I hope they keep on rockin’!
They’re still pretty green now, but give these girls another decade, they’ll probably be doing world tours!
Give it two more decades and Sydney will look like it’s three decades later!
Looking older than one’s age has its unsettling side-effects (“She looked 18!”), but in other cases, it’s helpful (being taken seriously in a work setting).
thank you. my sentiments exactly! this is someone’s child you’re being snarky about…in our own little village no less. sheez.
Rock On Sydney ! I stand corrected and am amazed !!