Decatur Wi-Fi Is “Complete”
Decatur Metro | February 27, 2009
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According to an update to the city’s Wi-Fi page in January, our extensive wi-fi network is finally finished!
After two years of network design and construction, the City’s wireless network is complete. The network consists of 190 wireless mesh radios over approximately 4 square miles within the City limits. The radios are attached to a variety of structures including Georgia Power utility poles, traffic signal poles, city-owned poles, and government and commercial buildings.
The network provides outdoor, high-speed Internet access to devices with wireless networking capabilities. For indoor access, most users will need a device called a CPE (consumer premise equipment) or wireless modem to strengthen the signal.
There’s also a new map (above) that shows more specific signal strength along our streets. From the looks of it, I seem to have some of the worst signal strength on our street. Oh well, all’s fair in love and wi-fi distribution.
If most indoor users will need an extra “CPE” to have a chance of accessing the wi-fi network, I still think it would be a good idea for “Get the Speed” to have neighborhood “fairs” or something so interested residents can test it out in their homes without having to order one, find out it doesn’t work for them, and then have to return it in the mail. That’s just too much effort for most people.
In terms of comparison shopping, if you signed up for the 12-month high-speed access plan and needed a CPE, your total monthly cost would be somewhere around $30. That’s about 12 bucks cheaper than my current Comcast.