Didn't Think Inflation or Spelling Was a Problem?
Decatur Metro | February 9, 2009Russ has a pic of the Decatur McDonald’s sign that advertises two “McMuttins” for an eye-popping price.
Cheers to Carl for forwarding!
I don’t know how to explain the high price of McMuttins, but maybe what looks like a spelling error is just a way of saving money by moving to a 25-word, f-less alphabet.
Well lambs’ sakes, what ARE they thinkin’ ovuh they-uh?
Wonda if it is surved with mint jellay?
Ha! We pulled over and took a picture of that very sign as well.
“They’re especially good when the mutton is nice and lean … I love that!”
Two McMuttons for $250? That’s a baa baa baaaaaaad choice.
p.s. how are we getting this to David Letterman?