18% Turnout to Vote For Doraville Annexation
Decatur Metro | January 28, 2009OK, maybe I was wrong. Maybe I was interested in the Doraville annexation and just didn’t know it.
18% turnout?
Wow. That’s pretty lazy. (Hmm…that’s kind of judgmental. Might be better to call them a “passive electorate”.)
Oh, by the way, the iniative didn’t pass.
This was a stealth election funded by my all-knowing city council here in fabulous Doraville.
With the desire to protect two or three absentee voters from the last election, Doraville opted to disenfranchise thousands of voters this time around.
Doraville city residents were NOT allowed to vote on an issue that would ultimately raise our taxes and lower our services. It was a terrible deal for everyone so I’m thrilled that the council got their comeuppance.
It’s a little bit hilarious that a city council that frets about finding the money to pay the $2,000 light bill for the street lights on Buford Highway easily located $4,000 to foist this secret election on the good people of DeKalb County.