How Do You Improve Upon 97%?
Decatur Metro | June 2, 2008Though we may all gripe and bicker from time to time, apparently we nearly all agree on one thing…that Decatur is “an excellent/good place to live”.
In the 2008 citizen survey, 97% of residents rated Decatur as either an “excellent” or “good” place to live. That’s up 5 points from 2006! Can’t go much higher than 97%…maybe the next step is only looking at the “excellent” catagory.
Results of the Decatur Citizen Survey (in which I participated) are scattered throughout the 2008 proposed budget “expenditures” section. (To view the full budget click here)
Some other notable scores…
95% of citizens rate Decatur’s quality of life as “excellent” or “good” (up 6 points from 2006)
87% of citizens rate Decatur’s quality of services as “excellent” or “good” (up 3 points from 2006)
96% of people in the city would recommend living here “to someone who asks”
83% of citizens rate Decatur as a “place to work” as “excellent” or “good” (up 33 points from 2006)
77% of citizens rate Decatur’s quality new development as “excellent” or “good” (up 15 points from 2006)
96% of citizens feel “very” or “somewhat” safe in their neighborhoods during the day (down 1 point from 2006)
And that’s just a smattering…take a look at the whole document to see the results. Nearly everything is up vs. two years ago.
Some areas that still need improvement (according to citizen opinion)
Affordable, quality childcare options – though its up 34 points vs. 2006, its still only at 52%
Quality of land use, zoning and planning services – up 25 points vs. 2006, but could be improved at 62%.
Quality of storm drainage system – up 28 points from 2006, but still at only 61%.
Sidewalk maintenance – up 17% but still only at 59%. This should continue to improve as bond money ear-marked for sidewalks is spent. There’s still a lot left.
Value of services for taxes paid – remained steady, up only a point from 2006 to 64%. (might want to complain to DeKalb County for withholding HOST money)