What's In Store For East Ponce?
Decatur Metro | November 17, 2007I’m beginning to feel a bit like a development junkie. Whenever there’s a little tidbit of information that might indicate a new shop, business, restaurant or trend in this city, I jump on it like a dog in heat (you’re welcome for the lovely visual).
So, here’s my latest fix.
GoDeKalb reports that DeKalb County is seeking a Livable Centers Grant for the part of Ponce that runs between the Avondale MARTA Station and Clarkston. Ironically, just today as my wife and I drove down to the Paddywax Factory Store and Kudzu, I commented on how that area was in the midst of a turn around. Five years ago, Kudzu and Pin Ups strip club were the only real landmarks between Avondale MARTA and the universally awesome DeKalb Farmer’s Market. Today, there’s the Progressive Auto Center (which relocated Kudzu down the street), a new Enterprise Rental Car Lot, Wag-A-Lot, Paddywax, and the under-construction Pangaea.
What does this LCI grant request mean? It means that DeKalb County recognizes the economic potential of this once struggling corridor and is thinking about a hard push for mixed use development along the strip. Regardless of what the study ultimately says, we all have to begin getting use to the idea of a revitalized East Ponce. The Farmer’s Market and Decatur are just too darn popular throughout the region to not expect new shops pop up in all directions.
Aside from Pin Ups patrons, many residents from Stone Mountain to Decatur will see this as a great step forward. Others might be a bit uncomfortable with the Decatur area becoming too chic, as was commented on this site with the announcement that Pangaea was setting up shop on Ponce. Ultimately, we’d be blind not to see it coming. It won’t happen overnight, but we’d be kidding ourselves if we didn’t think that the winds of change are blowing east. Look out sleepy Scottdale…you’re next!
It should be an interesting ride. Stay tuned.
Ahhh…What a rush!