Three Time Capsules Unearthed at 5th Avenue School Site
Decatur Metro | July 28, 2010This picture recently appeared on the City Schools of Decatur’s website. But with little explanation.
Three time capsules at Fifth Avenue? What could it be? Old teacher-edition textbooks? Pirate gold? Barrels full of monkeys? Astronaut ice cream?
Luckily we have CSD’s Bruce Roaden to keep our feet on the ground and give us the real – and interesting! – story behind this pic.
Scott Russell, long time CSD employee and former teacher at 5th Avenue remembered that a time capsule had been created at 5th Ave. and was buried in a wall. Scott took our maintenance and construction folks to 5th Ave. and led them to the spot in the wall where it was “buried”. The directions were to open it in 2013. We took the time capsule out of the 5th Avenue wall (unopened) and will place it in the new 5th Avenue School.