Highland Inn Damaged By Fire
Decatur Metro | February 6, 2009UPDATE II: The Highland Inn comments below and confirms that they are still open for business!
UPDATE: 11Alive reports ” The fire caused damage to four rooms and other rooms have smoke and water damage.”
I’m hearing reports of a fire at the Highland Inn in Poncey-Highlands this morning. Looks like David is too. He’s reporting “extensive smoke and water damage.” Also a mention by someone on Yelp.
I hope the damage isn’t too bad. Atlanta can’t afford to lose any more historic landmarks. Below is a pic I found on Flickr. There’s a second photo here.
In case you’re not familiar with the building, here’s a photo I took of it back in December…
We were at Manuels getting a drink, and left around 12:30. They already had the road blocked off and several fire trucks outside, but I never saw smoke or fire in the front. So sad to hear.
only a few rooms were damaged. highland inn is open for business including the ballroom downstairs. this is the horse’s mouth
Glad to hear the damage wasn’t extensive jwb and you can stay open.
Best of luck with the clean up and getting things back to normal!