CSD: What Will Be Cut?
Decatur Metro | December 27, 2008The AJC’s Kristina Torres does an admirable job of summing up Dr. Phyllis Edwards’ task of “trimming” a cool $2 mil from CSD’s budget in this morning’s paper.
Because Edwards wants the new budget in hand before teachers renew contracts in March, Decatur will probably be one of the first school systems in the state to announce cutbacks in the coming year. According to the article, the current options on the chopping block including the child development center at DHS, the foreign language program for K-5, teacher aides for the elementary school, 6 middle school teachers, and 2 art, music and phys ed teachers K-5. We should know by mid-January, which options will be selected.
All sound quite regrettable to me, but as I’ve said in the past, I’m reassured to see our school system being so forthright and proactive in both good times and bad.
I am sorry to hear this. As the budget has become tighter over the last couple of years, our On-Site Macintosh contract with CSD was cut. CSD still brings machines (weekly) to our service centers which has become very convenient since we opened #2 in Decatur. We value them as a client and are proud to be their Apple resource vendor. I do hope the Frasier center stays open. Places like that can make a big difference for a family’s options and quality of life. My 5 yr old begins 1st grade next year at Fernbank and I am suddenly very interested in school funding and budget cuts! Thanks DM.
The Frasier Center will likely stay open. A flurry of impassioned emails, letters, and speeches from concerned parents have again kept the Center afloat. We all agreed to a rate increase to help keep the Center open. Jenna Black, director of FC, is just a fantastic individual. She knows how to fight this fight!