Run For Rewards With Fleet Feet
Decatur Metro | October 10, 2008Fleet Feet wants to get you out on those new, Decatur sidewalks! Kim sends along this message…
Need a little incentive to get out the door and start exercising? Fleet Feet Decatur is teaming up with Brooks Sports from October to January to provide you with a carrot – free prizes – as part of our Run for Rewards program.
Here’s the low-down:
WHAT: Run for Rewards – A 12-week fun run/walk program that rewards you for showing up and sweating.
WHEN: Oct. 14 – Jan. 15 on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. during that evening’s fun run/walk. We will offer a three- and five-mile course. All abilities (runners and walkers) are welcome!
WHERE: Fleet Feet Sports Decatur (431 W Ponce de Leon Avenue in downtown Decatur)
HOW: Bring your shoes and join us on our fun run/walk to receive one punch on your Run for Rewards card.
- With multiple punches you will receive free Brooks drawstring bags, technical shirts and hats. What’s more, the top three participants will receive a FREE pair of Brooks shoes.
- Bring a friend, and we’ll put two punches on your card the first time they join you.
WHY: For the free stuff! (Oh, and also to live FIT and stay active.)You can join the program at any time during its duration. For more information, visit or call us at 404.371.0208.
I guess us morning runners are just SOL.