Commission Wants to "Establish a Local Farm Project"?
Decatur Metro | September 4, 2008From Monday’s city commission meeting summary…
“On a motion by Commissioner Cunningham, second by Commissioner Kemp, and all present voting “aye”, the City Commission requested that the City Manager research and prepare a report on the options for establishing a local farm project.”
What on earth is this? Certainly sounds intriguing.
Maybe the city manager could fill us in when she has a moment?
I know some folks in Oakhurst have been looking at possibly establishing an urban farm on surplus land in the floodplain, across East Lake from the dog park. They’ll likely require support or policy changes from the city to get it done, since it’s city land. Maybe this is in response to that and the possibility of others looking to do something similar in the future.
Within the past year we have had several inquiries about how to support local sustainability through locally grown “food.” The City owns some small lots that are not suitable for development that might be suitable for some type of garden project. We will be researching our options, including City-owned properties, partnering with other community garden projects, being a conduit for community-private efforts, plus others that may develop as part of the development process. At this point our main goals would be to support efforts to provide access to locally grown foodstuffs for our residents, possibly developing opportunities for local institutions and restaurants to have local suppliers and to make the best use of the City’s resources, expertise and partnerships.
Wow…sounds great Peggy! Can’t wait to see how it all shakes out.
Thanks for filling us in!