Decatur Restaurants For Sale
Decatur Metro | July 11, 2008Carl writes in with a smörgåsbord of Decatur restaurant “For Sale” ads. But for most of these, there’s no name included so we’re forced to guess based on the description. Note that just because they are “For Sale” doesn’t necessarily mean any of these places are going anywhere…just that they might get new ownership.
The one certainty (because the name is stated) is The Chocolate Bar. Here’s the ad.
Then its onto the speculation…
Carl thinks this one is Badda Bing, and that this one might be Little Azio.
Then there is this description that he believes is Birdi’s…
“Landlord will give long term lease with favorable terms. This is a well established and very popular watering hole. Super space with hi ceilings, big bar and fully equipped kitchen. This location is located in the heart of the county seat and shares the square with tons of restaurants, bars and retail stores and galleries. Any full service upscale or casual restaurant works great here or could be kept as a bar and club or a live music venue. Priced at $250,000 OBO with Owner financing. Incredible location directly on the Decatur Square in full view of all of Downtown Decatur and Court House.”
And this one he guesses could be Carpe Diem…
“Current sales of this full service progressive cuisine restaurant are underperforming at around $62,000 per month with an Owner that does no advertising, marketing and or promoting of restaurant. Restaurant currently breaks even but could do incredible with a little bit of effort. Full staff in place including Executive and Sous Chef makes that makes for a very easy transition. Great “hands-on” Landlord will give long term lease to qualified Tenant at a negotiated Lease below market rate. Seller will also provide full training and support to new Owner at no cost.
This Decatur spot is well established and is really stunning. Fully built out at a cost of over $400,000.00. 5200/sf which includes as part of square footage a 50 seat private dining room. Restaurant seats 176 plus 14 seat bar, 8-seat lounge and 40 seat patio.”
I think its funny that so many of these ads stress that there has been “no advertising” done. It would be much more amusing if it said something like “We advertised the heck outta this place and still no one showed up! Highest bidder?”
I don’t think that’s Little Azio. It sounds more like Panera.
Yeah…I was also a little unsure of that one FM…but it says its in “bustling downtown Decatur”. My thought was Atlanta Bread…but I think that’s been there more than 4 years.
I meant Atlanta Bread Company. I always get them confused. It might mean 4 years under the same owner; heck, what other franchise bakery /cafe with a patio is there in Decatur?
One of my neighbors pointed out that the place I thought to be Birdi’s could actually be SAGE.
I am sure it is frustrating for prospective buyers to see “restaurant for sale” ads without having an immediate way to obtain information.
As Illinois largest restaurant broker, I have made every effort in all of my advertising to permit prospects to obtain information quickly by including a one-line link where they can click on “more information” for the listing, fill-out the CA, and receive info the same day. I am constantly seeking ways to improve information-flow while at the same time protecting the confidentiallity of my clients. Any suggestions? Tom Bradley
Thomas, I think you’re looking for Decatur, Illinois. This is Decatur, GA.