Two of Three '07 Decatur Schools' Weapons Felonies Occured at Elementary Level
Decatur Metro | March 27, 2008The AJC recently used a February “incident” where a student brought a gun to Renfroe Middle School as a jumping off point to talk about promoting “safer schools” around Atlanta.
A little chart included with the story detailing gun felonies for school systems showed three weapon felonies in the Decatur school system in 2007. Well, after I got passed the fact that Gwinnett had a higher gun felony total than DeKalb (and yes, I am aware that Gwinnett is a larger school system, but its still surprising) I wanted to know more about these 3 incidents in Decatur.
Well, the AJC didn’t specify where the data came from, so I turned to old reliable Google. Within a few clicks I found the site. From there I clicked on “Decatur City” and found this.
So as you can see above, those three cited felony weapons charges was the total extent of the crime reported in CDS in ALL of 2007. And looking back to 2006 there were NO incidents reported. Looks pretty good to me.
But then I noticed a breakdown link. And it showed this.
Uh…of the three felony weapons charges filed in 2007 within CDS, two were at the elementary school level!?
I was surprised and thought you might be too.
Any parents out there with details on these “incidents”?