New Streetscape for Decatur Presbyterian Church
Decatur Metro | July 15, 2013
Chris sent in a couple photos of Decatur Presbyterian Church’s new streetscape, which was recently unveiled from out behind orange fencing. The changes will be more noticeable than most small streetscape projects as the church sits at the busy intersection of Sycamore and Church Street.
The plan was approved by the city commission back in March 2012. The “treecycling” of an old Black Walnut tree at the site was chronicled here by Chadwick back in June of last year.
I need to go see that in person. Glad to get the corner back and this shot sure makes it looks nice. So, what kind of restaurant is the Church now?
“So, what kind of restaurant is the Church now?”
Comic gold… That was awesome!
I mourn the loss of those parking spots. And I’m disappointed in all the concrete. I wish it was greener. However, I’m sure the church has their reasons for the changes.
In my opinion, the change is great. The lost parking spots were also concrete, so it is not that much more concrete. And the “grass” that used to be there was more dirt than grass because so many people walked on it. Now, there is plenty of space for people to walk and I think it has a nice open flow.
My thoughts exactly, Ren. As someone who walks Sycamore and Church at least three times a week, I feel this is a big improvement.
I thought it was interesting that they removed the parking spaces out front. If you look at most churches in the area, they often have a large, open space leading to the front doors. Maybe it’ll let congregants socialize more easily, allow for wedding pictures, etc. I don’t really know, but it seems to conform with a standard design seen around town.
Love that there are cyclists in the photo!
maybe some planter boxes would soften all the concrete. I can see this extra open area in front of the church a nice spot for congregants to mingle after services and for wedding crowds to gather post ceremony. Congrats Decatur Pres for all your hard work and investment. Finished well before the book fest too!
When the Pastor’s last name is Speed, you knew it was going to be done fast…
I’ll be here all week, try the veal.
Renovation fail! You can still the butt ugly new courthouse building
not directly related to this project, but what do people think about the standard Decatur lamp posts? I am personally not a fan.
Standard as in downtown-standard? Or Decatur-wide standard? I sure like the downtown lamp posts better than what we have on our street–the gooseneck light off of the telephone pole standard.
Do you mean the lamp posts, or the way-finding signage that is made to look like a lamp?
I think our lamp posts are great. I’m not a big fan of the design of the faux lamp way-finding signage, but I appreciate the investment in making our city easier to navigate.
Looks great. Glad the fences are down.
I do not mourn losing parking spaces.
Dear Landscape Architects,
New corner landscaping – Fabulous!
Loss of parking to show off beautiful church – Great!
Thousand square feet of fresh concrete – Deadens the soul.
Sycamore Street Pedestrian
Another Pedestrian
Dear Decatur Presbyterian Church,
Looks Great. I’m sure the (small) expanse of concrete is most suitable for your purposes. Please ignore the overreactors, as I’m pretty sure that any soul deadening occurring in Decatur is unrelated to your new streetscape. The complainers are probably just self-loathing Lutherans anyway.
Another Frequent Pedestrian
UGH!!! First world problems, people! Geez. The commenters on this blog in general are over the top critical about everything! How bout just saying, ” this is great! Our city has money to make improvements while 95% of the citiies in the US are watching weeds grow in the cracks on Main Street. Appreciate how good it all is…the restaurants (even if the chairs are the wrong colors) the schools (even if we have to shift around from time to time) the police (even though we have a recent string of burglaries) the people (even though they squawk and whine on DM too much). Whew..sorry but .that felt good.
whinyness is next to Decaturiness
we’re #1!
we’re #1!
we’re #1!
Decatur: There’s a kvetch for that.
I’d buy that t-shirt!
UGH!!! First world problems, people! Geez. The commenters on this blog in general are over the top critical about everything! How bout just saying, ” this is great! Our city has money to make improvements while 95% of the citiies in the US are watching weeds grow in the cracks on Main Street. Appreciate how good it all is…the restaurants (even if the chairs are the wrong colors) the schools (even if we have to shift around from time to time) the police (even though we have a recent string of burglaries) the people (even though they squawk and whine on DM too much). Whew..sorry but .that felt good.
Is this inside the skateboard zone or outside?
If this were a Catholic Church, lightning would strike any skateboarders who trespassed on the stairs. Since it’s Presbyterian, the church will probably just form a committee.
Actually, Catholics are OK with skateboarding, so longs as you skateboard with someone of the opposite sex and you do not practice safe skateboarding. Then again, I could be confusing my catechisms…
I think there’s something about Mary Jane’s and phonebooks too.
True. We are both going to hell for this. I’ll see ya there!
Thank you Jesus for giving me my sidewalk back.
At what point on that sidewalk does the city stop collecting taxes?