High School Students Document “Yogurt Wars” in Downtown Decatur
Decatur Metro | October 11, 2012Bruce sends along this great little production created by some high school students in a Learning Tribe documentary film class. According to Bruce, the creation of this video was “a fledgling effort in front of and behind the camera for the students.”
Nice work everyone!
Yogurt Wars from Bruce Miller on Vimeo.
That was pretty funny. They left out Swirl n Twirl though and that’s my favorite. Also wondering now if Froyolo has a pending health code violation!
That was great. And good on Sheldon from Yogurt Tap and Angus from FroYoLo for their good humor and participation.
And I’m STILL…Eric.
Love this–these kids are great!
Personally, all the shops are good and I wish them well. But WHY are there no ice cream shops anywhere??? I guess ice cream had its heyday already in Decatur, but why is yogurt succeeding where ice cream didn’t? Is it the topping options??? I think this could be a follow-up report from these guys.
We have 12 Flavors of delicious Ice Cream at Greene’s…
There is also really super delicious (and locally made!) ice cream at the New Orleans Sno-Ball place. They don’t advertise it well, but they have about 6 flavors (that you don’t necessarily have to get with the ice stuff) and we think they’re the best ice cream in Decatur!
That was funny! Nice work.
Great job guys! Next stop, Colbert Report?
Great Piece!
Yogurt Tap is the best HANDS DOWN!!! Super fresh flavors.
Why did I think he was a young Matthew Broderick and I was watching Ferris Bueller? Great job, and very funny! Yogurt wars indeed! Bring it on!
Excellent job, guys!
I can’t believe I waited two days to see this. It’s hysterical, especially since I know most of the players. Who knew they had such talent!
And I’m still……oh, never mind.
Yogurt Tap rules!