ZOUTF Task #2: Allowing “Light Manufacturing” in Decatur’s Commercial Districts
Decatur Metro | July 15, 2012Have you ever wished that you could sit down at an event in one of Decatur’s fine commercial districts and know that both the glass and the beer you are enjoying were created by that Renaissance person behind the counter of that solar-powered pub? (They made the solar panels on-site too, by the way!)
Well you can’t, thanks to the city’s current zoning code.
But seriously, ANY of these practices are not currently allowed in most of Decatur’s commercial districts and many aren’t defined – and by default – not allowed. But Decatur’s ZOUTF (Zoning Ordinance Update Task Force) is looking to change that and expand the areas where “light manufacturing”, such as breweries, glassblowing, artisanal food processing can occur. Responding to Decatur’s Strategic Plan Task 2C (Identify available areas for light manufacturing and market them to potential businesses), ZOUTF is recommending allowance of “artisanal food processing, clean technology, and high-value consumer goods” in both C3 (Heavy Commercial) and the more prevalent C2 commercial zoning districts.
Have an opinion about this? Send your comments and concerns to Decatur Planning Director Amanda Thompson (amanda.thompson@decaturga.com) post-haste to be heard before the recommendations – including this one – are presented to the Decatur City Commission.
Photo of San Fran’s “Hot Glass | Cold Beer” event courtesy of sarah sosiak via Flickr