City Schools of Decatur To Close Early Today
Decatur Metro | February 12, 2010 | 7:42 amRMS teacher Kris Thornton-Webb forwards this note from the City Schools of Decatur regarding an early close today…
Families Children in pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 will be dismissed one hour early today, February 12, 2010, in anticipation of adverse weather conditions this afternoon. All buses will run their routes one hour earlier. College Heights birth through age 3 will close at 3 o’clock. YMCA and Decatur Children and Youth Services after school programs that includes Animal Crackers, Whiz Kids, and Project Real, will not be in session today.
Staff Children in pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 will be dismissed hour early today, February 12, 2010, in anticipation of adverse weather conditions this afternoon. All buses will run their routes one hour earlier. Staff members may leave when the students have left their building. Please know YMCA and Decatur Children and Youth Services after school programs that includes Animal Crackers, Whiz Kids, and Project Real, will not be in session today. Talk to your supervisor if you cannot make other arrangements. The central office will close at 3 o’clock.