Some Decatur Recycling Cancelled For This Week

Guess I should go retrieve my recycling bin.  Sniff…

From the Decatur Minute…

Due to issues our contractor is having with getting equipment to the City of Decatur, recycling collection services for the Tuesday collection route has been cancelled for this week.

Recycling for the Tuesday route will be collected next Tuesday, January 23.  We appreciate your patience and apologize for the inconvenience.

Photos: Snow in Decatur in December!

Photo courtesy of Nancy

Photo courtesy of Kristin

Photo courtesy of DM

Photo courtesy of DM

Road Conditions and Business Hours In and Around Decatur Today


Nellie asked the question that I had when I woke up this morning…

What are the roads like out there?

Udog has already responded saying…

Roads were fine at 7am but all coffee shops were closed except Waffle House.

GDOT has this new, general statement about Georgia road conditions today…

Georgia DOT advises motorists to exercise caution when traveling in wintery conditions. Motorists should beware of black ice (especially on bridges and overpasses) and watch for fallen trees or power lines along the roadways in North Georgia and the Metro Atlanta area. Please watch out for Georgia DOT crews working to clear the snow and ice from the roadways.

Have you been out and about already today?  Roads around me seem relatively dry.  What has your experience been so far?  What’s open? What’s closed?  The city’s Linda Harris wrote a note on The Decatur Minute late yesterday saying the city would update a list of business openings/closings through out the day today.

Nick Purdy at Wild Heaven confirmed to me that they’ll be open from 2p-6p today, so there’s one option!

It’s Snowing in Decatur! Things To Know When It Snows

Decatur snow-1-2

2014 photo courtesy of Nick

Here are some relevant snow/ice facts for you as we head into a potentially icy evening.

First off, Decatur doesn’t have any plows.  UPDATE: I forgot!  The city may not have a snow plow, but it DOES now have an “interchangeable blade implement”!  See this note from City Manager Merriss to me back in 2012

We are purchasing an interchangeable blade implement that can be attached to the City’s backhoe to be used as a snow “plow” to clean major thoroughfares. In addition, the blade can be used year round to scrape and maintain other surfaces, such as unpaved roads. It will cost about $4,000.

A few years back we learned that DeKalb has two snow plows and eight sand trucks. They probably have a few more now post-Snowpacolypse 2011, but I’m sure they still don’t have many.  However, what Decatur lacks in snow chains it makes up for with dedicated and all around awesome city employees.

As such, here are the city’s stated priorities if there is a “snow/ice event” this evening/overnight, courtesy of The Decatur Minute…

• The city will concentrate on providing a usable travel lane in each direction on major streets and clearing sidewalks near MARTA stations.
• The city will work with City Schools of Decatur to make sure entrances, exits, and driveways at the schools are clear.

But this wouldn’t be much of a community unless residents weren’t also expected to do their part.

• Residents should expect to clear their driveways and sidewalks. It is unlikely that the city will be able to clear interior neighborhood residential streets.
• If you, or a neighbor, are a senior, someone with a medical need or someone with special needs, consider creating a safety profile at You can also contact Lifelong Community Coordinator Lee Ann Harvey, 770-652-8593, to be placed on the home checklist maintained by the Police Department.

That’s right.  If it snows, get out there, check on your neighbors and shovel your walk.

Also of note from The Decatur Minute, here’s a list of city businesses that are closing early today.  The trend seems to be that restaurants are open per usual, but stores are closing a bit early.  No late night inebriated shoe-buying at Sq/Ft tonight!

The Rec Center is closing at 5p today.

Bigger metro picture, GDOT has asked all metro Atlanta drivers to stay off the roads between 3p-6p this evening so they can brine the roads (mmmm…brine) before any snow/sleet/frozen stuff starts falling.

At around 3p, GDOT posted this message on their website…

Georgia DOT forces are now in full operation — applying brine and spreading salt and gravel materials on the roadway. A recent weather report from the National Weather Service forecasts the changeover from rain to snow between 2-5pm. With temperatures expected to remain above freezing until 8pm, Georgia DOT crews will apply brine on all lanes of all Metro Atlanta interstates. Once that is completed, crews will move to I-75 north in the northwestern part of the state.

GDOT says it has 15 brine trucks and “18 Plow truck teams (approximately 5 plow trucks per team)” around metro Atlanta.

So that’s it for the moment.  I never promised it was all-encompassing.  But relevant nonetheless.  For the most part.  Stay warm DEC!

…OMG, it’s snowing right now!

CSD Announces New Start/End Times For School with Extra 30 Minutes

CSD send out this email blast late yesterday…

Dear CSD Families,

At the February school board meeting, Dr. Edwards and the Board of Education discussed the lost instructional time due to inclement weather this semester. Dr. Edwards charged a team of instructional and operational staff to devise a plan to add  30 minutes of instructional time per day before testing season begins.

The team weighed many factors including instructional schedules, athletic practices and games, bus schedules, after school programs and clubs, testing dates, free and reduced breakfast mandates and more.  The team also considered communication from parents and students expressing concern as well as communication in support of the additional 30 minutes.

Please see the schedule below for the new start and end times for all 8 of our schools in theCity Schools of Decatur.  This schedule will begin on Monday, March 3 and end on Friday, May 2.  Should there be additional school closings due to extreme weather conditions, City Schools of Decatur may choose to extend the new schedule through the end of the 2013-2014 school year.

Parents and students will receive communication about specific school-based plans during the week of February 24.  Coaches and after school club and activity sponsors will send additional communications about their programs.  After school childcare providers will contact parents separately from district communications.

Morning bus routes will not be affected by the new morning bell schedule.  Students should be at the bus stop at their usual time in the morning.  Afternoon bus routes will be affected by the new afternoon bell schedule.  Parents should add the additional time to the current bus drop-off schedule in the afternoon.  Questions concerning the bus schedule should be directed to Simone Elder, Director of Transportation, at [email protected] .

As previously communicated, students will also make up two inclement weather days on March 10 (previously a teacher workday) and May 29 (the new last day of school).  Post-planning for teachers is now Friday, May 30.

Thank you for continued support of City Schools of Decatur.

School Old Time New Time- March 3 through May 2
College Heights Pre-K 8:00-2:30 7:55-2:55
Clairemont Elementary 8:10-2:40 8:05-3:05
Glennwood Elementary 8:00-2:30 7:55-2:55
Oakhurst Elementary 8:00-2:30 7:55-2:55
Winnona Park Elementary 8:00-2:30 7:55-2:55
4/5 Academy at F.AVE 7:45-2:30 7:45-3:00
Renfroe Middle School 8:40-3:40 8:25-3:55
Decatur High School 8:30-3:30 8:15-3:45

Decatur School Board Votes to Extend School Day By 30 Minutes

Mentioned this in an earlier post, but it sounds like some of you would like a dedicated thread.  So, from CSD’s Facebook page

The Board of Education approved for the system to move forward with developing a plan to add 30 minutes to the school day to make up 3 of the 8 days missed due to inclement weather. Make up days were previously scheduled for 2 of the missed days (March 10 and May 29). The Board also approved for 3 days to be “forgiven” under the 4 days allowed by state law.

Staff members are working on details of the plan for the additional 30 minutes and will communicate the plan next week.

Decatur Schools Operate On Two Hour Delay Today

From CSD’s Facebook page…

City Schools of Decatur will operate on a two hour delay today, Friday, February 14. Staff, please use caution and if conditions are too icy at your home, please contact your supervisor or principal.

Parents should use an abundance of caution, and if conditions are too icy at your home, please keep your child at home.

  • Buses will run two hours later than a normal school day. Add two hours to your students’ usual bus pick-up time this morning. For example, a usual 6:45 bus pick-up will be 8:45 this morning.

  • Schools will begin two hours later than usual. Check the district website under the Schools tab to view start times. For example, Decatur High School usually begins at 8:30, but today DHS will start at 10:30.

  • Staff start time will begin two hours later than usual. For example, 4/5 Academy at Fifth Avenue staff usually report at 7:15, but today they need to report at 9:15.

  • Dismissal times for all schools will remain the same.

  • Decatur Children and Youth Services will run Animal Crackers, Whiz Kids and Project REAL as usual. Please check with your after school provider if there is a change in schedule this afternoon.