Two Decatur Schools Win State Achievement Awards
Decatur Metro | October 5, 2009Renfroe’s Science Department Chair, Kris Webb, points out that Renfroe’s 8th grade and Oakhurst’s 2nd grade each won Superintendent’s Distinguished Achievement Awards for CRCT scores this past year.
Oakhurst’s second grade class won for ranking 8th out of all Georgia schools in % of students that exceeded the standard in Reading (85.9%).
Renfroe’s eight grade class won for ranking 9th out of all Georgia schools in % of students that exceeded the standard in Science (41.2%)
Webb gives a bit more detail on Renfroe’s achievement…
I teach 8th grade science and we received an achievement award for being in the top 10 schools in the state for 8th grade science CRCT scores in the “exceed” category. 48% of our students met the standards and 41% of our 8th grade science students exceeded the standards. Only 10% of our students did not meet the standards. These results includes our students with disabilities. I am so proud of all the students!
I want the community to know that Renfroe teachers are committed to high achievement and we try extremely hard to make our classes interactive, engaging, memorable and standards-based. 8th grade science is a lab-based class and you won’t see our students bored, sitting at their desks, or constantly reading a textbook. They are up out of their seats doing experiments and activities constantly…CSD is great!
Nice work!
Would this have been for the 2008-2009 year?
From the site linked above “Awards are given based on spring 2009 CRCT results.”
Rock on Renfroe!… and Oakhurst – 86% exceeding standards in language arts. Way to go Ms. Mack!!!
and Ms. Wilsterman, Ms. Lester, and Ms. Smith!
Thanks for the shout-out, dogs1020! Way to go Renfroe!