Substantial Turnout in Response to Sembler’s Substantial Request
Decatur Metro | June 9, 2009
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Think these 200 folks turned out to cheer on Sembler’s request for a 20 year tax abatement on the Brookhaven project?
Think again.
AJC Photo
Think these 200 folks turned out to cheer on Sembler’s request for a 20 year tax abatement on the Brookhaven project?
Think again.
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From a personal pro-development perspective, I find Sembler’s request to be firmly based in insanity. As a tax payer and citizen, it seems even more insane.
I can’t believe they have the temerity to request this unconscionable handout from the citizens of Dekalb. Any public officials that support this lunacy should be handed over to Dick Cheney.
but the green shoots. the economy is getting better. even krugman says so now.
feh. i agree-what a load of manure this request is. on the one hand, as the saying goes, “you have the right to ask,i have the right to say no.” so sembler had to ask. but yes, any public official who supports this is a goofy goober.
meanwhile, the supreme court has rewritten some basic rules of contract laws. so in the scheme of things this sembler thing isn’t that important.
Clear indication in my opinion that Sembler might not be long for this world.