Vinyl Siren Skatepark Pedicure
Decatur Metro | May 3, 2009…oh wait, that’s “Pedicab.”
What a great creative exercise! Every two weeks I could come up with a trippy, new pseudo-band name using City Commission meeting topics! And YOU thought I got this job because I was devilishly handsome. Ha!
So what exactly is on the agenda for this whacked-out Commission meeting?
Vinyl: The City Commission will vote on authorizing $38,000 for HVAC improvements and $24,000 for replacing (or just covering over?) the lovely vinyl wall-coverings at the Decatur Conference Center. This is in preparation of a full-fledged Holiday Inn makeover.
Siren: The city has received a $108,000 grant from FEMA to install for city-run tornado sirens around the city. If accepted, that will make 5 total within the city limits, including the existing Agnes Scott siren. It requires only a 15% match by the city.
Skatepark: Active Living Director Dan Magee is looking to get the go-ahead to purchase 6 new Spohn Ranch skate park pieces for McCoy’s Skate Park. Magee has even gotten a thumbs up (or whatever the skateboarder equivalent is) from park users. The $25,000 cost was already approved in the last fiscal year.
Pedicab: Probably the most interesting agenda item. A Wisconsin couple who recently moved here is looking for permission to run a “pedicab” service in the city similar to the one they operated in Green Bay. (Here’s what one MIGHT look like.) Rides would start at $5 and would be free during festivals if they could obtain sponsorships. There’s also talk about a $10 pedicab tour of Decatur. The city recommends a six-month trial run and urges haste so the pedicabs are up in running prior to the start of festival season.
And if that weren’t enough!
Other sensational agenda items: David Junger wants 416 Oakland to clean up its act, East Decatur Station wants on-street parking on Sams Street, Amanda Thompson wants to apply for $500,000 energy efficiency grant, and Peggy Merriss wants approval to submit an application for a $360,000 grant that would be used to combat childhood obesity.
Well, considering we must have one of the country’s highest concentrations of tandem bikes, recumbent bikes, and bikes towing those little kid tent things on wheels, I can see no reason why we shouldn’t add pedicabs to the freaky bike list.
The Skate Park is great, but I wish more girls were using it. I’ve never once seen a girl there. Where are all the skater chicks hanging out?
I’m glad that’s Spohn Ranch and not Spahn Ranch.
Kill two birds with one stone: Have the children drive the pedicabs (with helmets of course).
The pedicabs are a great idea. I’ve seen them in other urban environments before. My only question though is does the 6-month trial limit its use to only during “festivals and other special events?” If so, why? If we’re going to do a trial run, why not see whether it could serve as a real alternative transportation form for Decatur?
The skatepark upgrade is very necessary. Lets hope that some of the funds go to repair some the components there now.
As I understand it, no. They would be available for a fee during the entire trial period.
The reason why I pointed out festivals is because they have the potential to be free during these periods.
OK, upon re-reading Lyn’s memo, I think you are correct that the the program is not limited to use just during festivals, but that is what the service, at least initially, intends to provide. But that ifthere is enough interest, “the service might be expanded to provide regular fee-based shuttle service between the various downtown commercial districts and between downtown Decatur and the Oakhurst district.” I don’t think that expanding the service would require a new Agreement, but that should probably be made clear in whatever Agreement they intend on signing. Maybe Lyn can fill us in on what the intent is.