DHS Close Up Club Heads to D.C. for Inauguration
Decatur Metro | January 16, 2009Lead by DHS teacher Chris Billingsley, the Close Up Club has held countless fundraisers and community service projects over the past year or so in order to raise enough money to travel to Washington D.C. for the President’s Inauguration.
And it looks like they were successful! 33 members of the club will head to D.C. this weekend to witness an historic inauguration.
11Alive has the full story (and a video).
Just to let Dec Metro fans know that we arrived safety in Baltimore Saturday morning after a 90 minute flight. The temp was a little different from Decatur. The captain told us that it had improved from minus 9 to minus 4. It didn’t seem too cold to the students when we boarded the bus for D.C. The Crystal City Marriott is a terrific hotel. Two DHS students are rooming with two students from high schools all around the country. Talk about diversity! Classes for students began Sunday evening and continued today. Students went to three presidential memorials with their CU instructors: Roosevelt, Jefferson, and Lincoln. Students spent the afternoon at the concert. Most arrived back at the hotel around 7:00, exhausted but talking about how exciting it was to see PE Obama and hear stars like Beoncee and Bruce perform live (Who is this Beoncee?) Students are waiting to start their 9:00 class. (I’m sure they are thinking, “Class on Sunday night? What’s up with that!)
Students and teachers are encouraged to post comments and pictures on the following sites: bulldog close up blog at blogger site, Twitter.com (whatever that is!), and DecaturEDtv. I will forward pics to decmetro later this evening. Most are boring teacher pics but hopefully, student will send some also.
Having a great time. Keep us in your prayers. Mr. Billingsley, DHS Teacher and CU Sponsor
Decatur EDtc has a new video feature on the DHS Close Up Trip at this direct link: http://www.elifemagazine.net/closeup3.htm
We’ll share some of the great photos we’re getting from the kids with both of our great Decatur Bloggers!