Wordsmiths Plea Reaches NPR
Decatur Metro | August 12, 2008Wow…this story sure has legs!
Thanks to Carl and romanlily for pointing out that All Things Considered did a 4 minute piece on Wordsmiths fund-raising effort yesterday. Zach Steele was interviewed by phone.
Over on the store’s blog, Zach says they’re closing in on the halfway mark in terms of donations….
This strategy is brilliant. You make vague promises to people that they will get something in return for the donation that in turn goes the creditors who actually have some sort of recourse.
Our store, a few miles from the square in Decatur, has just celebrated our 29th year at Toco Hill Shopping Center. We’ve weathered the mall stores and the chains and it has been a joyous struggle. But, make no mistake, we’ve tried to use our heads and not overreach. We’ve been careful buying and have tried to master the ins and outs of successful retailing. Yes, we’ve also been so lucky in attracting a steady and smart customer base who have always supported us. All we’ve ever asked of our customers is to always give us the first chance when they want a book and they have. When we can no longer manage our affairs, I hope we will know to stop. We also hope that never happens and that we can continue to give our customers our best service and an intelligent selection of books.