Decatur Property Lost $4 Million In Value Over the Past Year
Decatur Metro | May 22, 2008…and the mayor is expecting an even larger drop next year, according to GoDeKalb’s coverage of Monday’s city commission meeting.
But new development (valued at $32-$33 million) will help the city maintain a balanced budget in the upcoming fiscal year (July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009), without raising the millage rate. However, I’m wondering what happened to CDS’ desire to up millage rate by one point to hire more teachers and give raises? Has that been added into the equation yet? Or was it already nixed?
Also according to GoDeKalb, the new budget will include these things: a pilot program for the senior community, a new geographic information system (GIS) and an arts master plan.
An arts master plan? What’s that?