City Installing 5th Avenue “Safe Routes to School” Markers
Decatur Metro | July 14, 2011Decatur Active Living posts this picture and reports on the Be Active Decatur blog…
Everyone is getting ready for the start of the school year, including Decatur Public Works, Decatur Active Living and our Safe Routes to Schools volunteers. We have been working on making the walking and biking routes to school safer. In conjunction with the City Schools of Decatur, we are doing a pilot program with the new 4/5 Academy at 5th Avenue: marking the recommended safe routes with sidewalk markers. Look for crosswalks to be restriped and curb cut ramps to be installed around the city. A map of the recommended Safe Routes to School will be posted online at both the City Schools of Decatur and City of Decatur websites.
View the Safe Routes to School Map after the jump or view the zoomable PDF HERE.