Decatur Schools Seeking Feedback on 2015-2017 Calendar
Decatur Metro | July 9, 2014CSD sent out this email blast this afternoon…
Dear Parents and Community Members:
The District Calendar Committee presented the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 academic year calendars to the Board of Education during the July 2014 Board Work Session and Meeting. The Board tabled the approval of the calendars for 30 days to allow the community to offer feedback. If you have thoughts or questions about the recommended calendars, please email and place the word “Calendars” in the Subject line. The deadline to offer comments is August 7, 2014. The calendars can be downloaded below for your perusal.
- Draft 2015-2016 School Year Calendar
- Draft 2016-2017 School Year Calendar
The District Calendar Committee met during the spring of 2014 to accomplish the charge of drafting the 2015-2016 calendar and 2016-2017 calendar to recommend to the superintendent. The calendar committee is comprised of School Leadership Team (SLT) Members, staff and parents.The committee reviewed several factors that were used to develop our current school calendars. The current calendar pattern has been utilized for the past four years, since 2010-2011 school year. This calendar pattern was evaluated after two years of use and continues to be recommended by the committee after the review of data.This year’s District Calendar Committee has recommended the calendar structure be maintained, thus offering the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 draft calendars for the Board’s review.Each year poses its own challenges in calendar construction.