Wild Heaven Bottles Now Available
Decatur Metro | May 9, 2011From a Wild Heaven press release earlier today…
Starting with an exclusive one-night launch at Decatur’s Ale Yeah! Craft Beer Market on Monday, May 9th at 5 p.m., Wild Heaven bottles will roll out in the Atlanta market on Tuesday, May 10th with other markets to follow. The beer will be available in Atlanta at Ale Yeah!; Hop City Craft Beer & Wine; all locations of Green’s Discount Beverage Stores; Tower Beer, Wine & Spirits, all intown Whole Foods locations; and northside Total Wine locations. Dozens of additional stores metrowide will be carrying the beer by Wednesday.
You have view the label of “Invocation” here.
Enjoyed my first Ode last weekend upstairs in the Square Pub with the windows open over the square as that Beatles cover band started up.
Is it wrong that some of my favorite memories involve great beer?
Absolutely not!
If that’s wrong, I don’t want to be right.
I’m pretty sure all of my favorite memories involve beer, great or not.
But can I buy them on Sunday?
Great beers, great people. ‘Nuff said.
I foresee many invocations in my future this summer. Mercy!
Also available at Ansley Wine Merchants, Ansley Mall.