DHS Students Clean up Glenn Creek Nature Preserve
Decatur Metro | March 22, 2010Students from the 9th grade and Close Up Club worked at the Glenn Creek Nature Preserve last Saturday. They did a great job building new trails and removing invasive plants. A dedicated group of students worked hard from 9:00 until 12:00. Students were able to work with two of the leaders who helped create the preserve, Dr. Doug Oster and Mr. Neil Norton. Both individuals shared stories about the creation and the benefits of the preserve. A good time was had by all. Enjoy the pics.
PS- Two of the fourteen students that hope to attend the trip to Washington, D.C. trip during the week of April 11 are struggling to raise enough money for the final payment. Both students and their parents have raised more than $1,000 each but need help reaching the final amount of $1,695.00. Please consider making a donation to help these students reach their goal. You can respond sender (cbillingsley@csdecatur.net) for more information. Thank You.
For some reason the pictures are not loading on my end. Anyway for more info/pictures on the Preserve go to http://glenncreeknaturepreserve.org or become a fan of the facebook page by search Glenn Creek Nature Preserve.