Hitchens at Emory
Decatur Metro | March 4, 2010Just when I think I’m in tune with what’s going on around me, I miss something like this.
Christopher Hitchens in conversation at Emory on Salmon Rushdie, freedom of expression, poetry, literature, and star dust. With the added bonus of a recitation of Wilfred Owen’s Dulce et Decorum Est.
Many thanks to Emory for making it available.
h/t: wpdarling
As happy as I was to be there, I was extra extra happy when I saw the video crew.
Wish I’d been there. Hitchens is a great writer.
I have heard a lot of people talk about Hitchens for a long time, but I didn’t think he existed.
That made me chuckle.
He and DM exist in the same quantum time-space, which allows both of them to appear at will in different parallel universes, choosing human or unicorn guise.
If he didn’t exist we’d have to invent him. There are no Hitchens in foxholes.
Is it me, or does this Hitchens guy seem to be everywhere?
Hitchens is prolific. He’s written an average of one book annually since 1999, while working full-time as a magazine and newspaper columnist.
My comment was actually an attempt at humor by pointing out Hitchens’ god-like qualities. I could have said that he’s a know-it-all!
What’s the difference between a know-it-all and omniscient?