Oakhurst Community Garden Plant Sale Tomorrow
Decatur Metro | April 10, 2009From the Oakhurst Community Garden website…
Join us for our fourth season as we grow another round of healthy, organic seedlings in partnership with Gaia Gardens. You will find just about all you need for your spring and summer garden: vegetables, flowers, and herbs.
April 10, 6-8 p.m.: Garden member preview of the big plant sale
April 11, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.: Big Plant Sale! More than 100 varieties of tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, herbs, flower, perennials, and shrubs will be available.
435 Oakview Road, Decatur, GA 30030
h/t: InDecatur
(update from 4/17)
Summer Veggie Plants still for sale at the Oakhurst Community Garden Project!
We have:
30 varieties of tomatoes (heirloom and hybrid),
10 varieties of peppers
10 of eggplants
Plus an assortment of other fun plants
Basil is coming late next week.
Each plant is $2.
The sale is located in the yard right in front of the Gardenhouse. Come anytime and if we aren’t around, you can leave your exact cash or check made out to OCGP in the mailbox next to the front door. It is locked and we check it daily.
more info: http://www.oakhurstgarden.org/plantsale.html
The Garden is located at 435 Oakview Road, Decatur, GA 30030