Wordsmiths Raises Nearly $25,000
Decatur Metro | August 19, 2008 | 8:09 am…according to Publisher’s Weekly.
…according to Publisher’s Weekly.
« Trees/Topography Delay City-Wide Wi-Fi Completion 'Til October Boswell Gallery Closes Downtown Decatur Location »
For those that donated to Wordsmiths…
I have another AMAZING opportunity for you…..
Unlike Wordsmiths, I’m not in debt because of poor judgement and spending.
But just like Wordsmiths, I’m not going to do anything altruistic with your money… I’m just going to take it and spend it on whatever I want to/”need.”
Like a new pair of shiny black shoes.
Sure, I could save up and buy them myself, but then I would be robbing you the blessing of giving to such a wort… well… such a… shiny cause.
Please email “givedan$5sohecanbericher@hotmale.com” to arrange a meeting place. And bring $500 in cash also, just in case.
Boswell Gallery closed … give it to them.
Dan can be seen later this week at Starbucks excoriating people for paying $4 for coffee.