Get a Decatur Reusable Bag and Save 10%!
Decatur Metro | June 10, 2008If any number of grocery stores can take up the reusable bag torch, why not Decatur?
The June issue of the Decatur Focus includes an insert detailing the city’s countless “green initiatives”. Among the 15 pages of info, there’s an announcement on page 5 about a new Decatur-branded reusable bag. The “Decatur Shops Green” bag will be available in participating Decatur boutiques starting in July for $15. And with that bag you can save 10% on future purchases! Pretty cool…especially if you find yourself spending hundreds of dollars on downtown clothing.
Visit in July for the list of participating stores (or just continuing checking in to Decatur Metro – I’ll make sure to publish the list here too)
That is a great idea. I hope Boogaloos participates!