Decatur Featured in US School Commute Exercise Program Article
Decatur Metro | October 26, 2007Amy Lovell and her 10-year-old son Allen arrive with his French horn on bicycles at Glennwood Academy (Washington Post)
Where do AP reporters go when they need a good example of kids walking and biking to school for a story about the Federal “Safe Routes to School” program? Decatur of course!
Washington Post
International Tribune
San Francisco Examiner
I think this “evergreen” AP story has been around for a couple weeks, since I recall seeing it in the local papers a few weeks ago. But now it seems its making the rounds amongst the big boys.
[...] Bicycling to Work Get You Killed? 26 10 2007 In stark contrast to the previous posting, the Freakonomics blog looks at statistical evidence that shows how much more likely you are to be [...]