Decatur’s First Project Using Energy Efficiency Grant: Glenlake Tennis Center
Decatur Metro | October 19, 2011Back in March 2010, Decatur announced it was awarded $500,000, through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) program through the State of Georgia. The award would be shared with Dunwoody and Chamblee.
At Monday’s City Commission meeting, Decatur’s Resource Conservation Coordinator Lena Stevens approached with the commission with the first capital improvement project that Decatur would under take utilizing this grant: Glenlake Tennis Center.
According to Ms. Stevens letter to the City Manager (page 48 of the meeting materials PDF)…
The Glenlake Tennis Center was built in 1998. Except for minor repairs, the building has not been altered since it was first built. As they are original to the facility, the mechanical systems will likely be in need of replacement in the near future. The proposed work includes replacement of the HVAC equipment, installation of an electric tankless hot water heater, additional insulation, weatherstripping, sealing ductwork, lighting replacements, and other energy-saving measures.
The $57,000 suggested project budget was unanimously approved by the commission and the project was awarded to Sol Construction, the only bidder on the project.
The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant is also currently funding the DecaturWise energy efficiency rebate program, which Ms. Stevens mentioned at the commission meeting, had met its quota of 55 projects and was was already deemed one of the most successful programs of its type throughout the country.