Atlanta Business Chronicle Reports Large Scale Calloway Project
Decatur Metro | February 8, 2013It’s no secret that there has long been an interest in turning the Calloway Building site (home of the Maloof Auditorium, a huge sloping parking lot, and some quality barbwire fencing) into a high-density, mixed use development. And in the past year or so, there have been rumblings on and off that the County was finally willing to sell.
Now, according to the Atlanta Business Chronicle, the County could vote on the project as early as next month. The full article is behind a paywall, but the key points include…
- Cousins Properties, who didn’t comment for the article, would be the developer of the mixed-used project
- DeKalb could vote as early as February 12th to sell the site to the city and then the city would potentially work with Cousins to redevelop the site
I don’t think it’s too dramatic a statement to say that such a development would go far and redefining Trinity Avenue as the city’s second Main Street, something the city continues to strive towards with the redevelopment of Allen Wilson Terrace and Beacon Hill, along with the longer-term idea of extending Fairview Ave through from Ponce to Trinity.
Photo courtesy of Google Streetview