Winnona Park Lemonade Stand to Raise Money for PKU Research in May
Decatur Metro | May 7, 2011Joanne writes in…
For the month of May, Lucas Brotherton a Winnona Park second grader has set a goal for himself to raise $500 which he will donate to PKU research. One way he will be raising money is by hosting a lemonade stand which will be located on the corner of South McDonough and Oakview Road on Saturday, May 7th. He will be selling lemonade, fresh baked cookies and other treats. Please stop by and show your support.
Lucas’ Lemonade Stand
Date: Saturday, May 7th
Located: On the corner of South McDonough and Oakview Road (just across from Oakhurst community garden)
“Shop” Hours: 11:30pm -3:30pmMay is PKU awareness month. Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a metabolic disorder. Individuals with PKU cannot process an amino acid called phenylalanine which is present in most foods. Without treatment, phenylalanine builds up in the bloodstream and causes severe neurological complications. Standard treatment consists of a strict low-protein diet and daily consumption of a special formula containing life-sustaining nutrition. Continued research is needed to ease the difficulty of the diet and to help improve the quantity of life for all individuals living with PKU.
All money that is collected will be donated to Georgia PKU Connect which is a 501c3 non-profit.